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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.


“The field of battle between God and Satan is the human soul.  It is in the soul that the battle rages every moment of life.” Saint Padre Pio.


We all as humans have different emotions inside us which will surely show up outside if we are not emotionally mature. Some are positive emotions and some negative emotions. Some of the positive emotions are calmness, hope, forgiveness, joy, thankfulness, patience, interest, happy, inspiration and love. Some of the negative emotions are anger, sorrow, impatience, boredom, grief, panic, frustration, disappointment, cruelty and hatred.

We have to analyze our life and see in 16 hours when we are awake which emotions rules us, if we are ruled by positive emotions then we have to understand that in the spiritual battle happening in our soul God’s angels have triumphed in the same way if we are ruled by negative emotions then we have to understand that devils angels have triumphed.

For every battle happening daily in our soul our final decision to stand will decide the result of the battle. If we stand for God through His Word then surely God’s angels will triumph in the same way if we decide to listen to the lies of the devil and take wrong decision then surely devils angels will triumph.

God’s angels can win battles for us only when we stand strong on His word and have courage and patience so that devils angels will be defeated. This battle takes place every moment and every day of our life. If we check our life and see we will be ashamed to see the battles we have made devils angels win because of our foolish decision to listen to the lies of the devil.


Let us make a decision today to stand on the Word of God no matter what situation we are facing in our life. If we stand for God in the difficult moments of our life then only we will know how big our God is and also we will know how faithful our God is. Without having 1st hand experience our prayer life will not be fruitful.


Date: 30:09:2020.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.


"The biggest disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis, but rather the feeling of being unwanted".-Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta.


In today’s world because of our selfish nature most of us do not care for others and only try to do everything concerning us. If we doing everything concerning us then there would be no difference between unbelievers and us.


It is surprising to see even believers who are growing in selfishness instead of selflessness. When we are selfish we have to be sure that we do not like many people either because of their words or because of their behaviour. Liking and disliking doesn’t arise from Spirit but from soul. When we dislike someone first thing we do is block them from our life so that they may not cause more stress to us but the truth is God has allowed these type of people to break our arrogance, pride and anger and  through them He is teaching us a lesson to be calm, humble and meek.


If we do not listen to God and change ourselves then surely more people of this kind will get connected with us and make our difficult situation worst. Everything concerning changing our life will begin with us and end with us. If we do not change then surely none around us will change.


If we are rejected by others we have to call ourselves blessed because our Master was also rejected by His own people. Unwantedness is the biggest disease we see in our modern society because most of us do not have any time to spare to go out of our comfort zone and love someone who is in distress. When we can do what is in our power and we fail to do it then surely we should not cry when we go through the same.


Sometimes God allows pain of rejection in our life to make us understand the pain involved in it. Jesus went through rejection without uttering a word in the same way we have to analyze our life and see whether we are able to go through it as Jesus if not then surely oppression and depression will be knocking at our door.


Date: 29:09:2020.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in 1 Peter 5:8 - Discipline yourselves, keep alert. Like a roaring lion your adversary the devil prowls around, looking for someone to devour.


When were in the flesh and world most of us were slaves of devil and his deceiving ways. When we came to God through prayers we try to give up things we were doing in the past. When we are in the process of giving up devil will not sit quietly but try his level best to bring those things in our life back which we are trying to give up.


For example if we were gossiping about others and after coming to God we realized our mistake and trying our level best to give up, suddenly the people with whom we were gossiping show up in front of us and when they start gossiping with us ,if we are not alert we may again fall trap to it. We cannot just pray without disciplining ourselves from all the things that distanced ourselves with God.


If we do not discipline ourselves with everything we think, speak and do then we are in seriously in danger of falling to our old life again. Devil will come to us sweetly with loads of temptations once we were indulging ourselves with. If we do not counter attack the devil with the Word of God then surely we will be doing the same things which we were doing in the past.


God is the only help we have to discipline ourselves and that is why God allows sufferings in our life to make devil feel that we are being punished , if we bear it joyfully then surely devil will regret it for the rest of our life because he has lost one member of his team to God. Let us get well equipped with the Word of God so that devil may not tempt us but flees from us.


God doesn’t allow anything in our life without connecting it to His plan and purpose for our life. Let us go through everything destined to us by God so that we may live for God when on earth and after our death we may be united with God forever.



Date: 28:09:2020.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



“If you’re too busy to pray…you’re too busy” Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta.


We all many a times skip prayers because we were doing our daily routine work that’s why most of us give excuse saying that because of being busy with other things we skipped prayer today.


Devil is very cunning and deceivingly keeps many of us busy in the world so that we may not have time to pray. We because of being busy in the world we have invited great disasters in our life and also around us in the world.


We have to understand the meaning of BUSY. Busy means

B- being

U- under

S- satans

Y- yoke

If we are busy with something which will increase only material wealth and not virtues we will be in serious danger of perishing. God has given us 24 hours in a day and in those 24 hours if we do not spend at least 1 hour then surely there is something wrong in our planning our day.

This virus has not come by chance but has come because of being allowed by God to change people’s direction from world to Him. Many have experienced pain through death of their loved ones and others are in pain because of mistreated by others for being positive. Let us take seriously the wakeup call and pray daily before something worst than this wipe us out.


Let us make time for God daily no matter how busy we are so that we can go through any crisis with joy and overcome it . God will allow certain things in our life so that our attention is diverted towards Him and after seeing what we are going through He will surely rescue us from the land full of insecurity and place us in the land full of security.


Date: 27:09:2020.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in Ecclesiastes12:14 - For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil.


We are all living in this world with different types of people some are prayerful, some are prayerless, some are in habitual prayer, some are unbelievers, some with negative mindset, some are holy, some are evil, some are selfish, some are rude, some are arrogant, some are humble, some are  proud and so on.


When we are living in midst of all these people we will be living our life either influenced by them or we may live our life influenced by the Word of God.


If we live our life influenced by the people then surely we will be living in error if they are not living according to the Word of God. If we live according to the Word of God then surely we do not have fear anything because we will be living with God and also we will start doing good to others because of our connection with God who is the source of all goodness.


God has given us freewill either to do good or bad according to the fellowship we are in. If we are in fellowship with people who are worldly then surely we will do evil more than good. If we are in fellowship with God and His Word we will be doing more good than bad and also after having fellowship with the Word of God for few years we will not be able to do bad.


We have to understand that we all have to stand in front of the judgement seat of God after our death. Judgement of God will be just and we cannot argue or rebel or disagree but we have to receive from His hands just judgement and we have to go to the place where we are destined.


Many in this world do things in secret only they and God knows and if those things are not brought to their notice when they are alive, then they will surely regret it after their death because of temporal fire in purgatory or eternal fire in hell.


We have to accept corrections from God through His Word and change our ways as soon as possible before it’s too late because no one knows when death will knock at their door. In today’s world death will knock at the door of children, youth, adults and also old people. No one is given guarantee of tomorrow that’s why whatever we have to do we have to do it today.



Date: 26:09:2020.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



For life is to be with Christ; where Christ is, there is life, there is the kingdom. Catechism of the Catholic Church 1025.


In today’s world people who live for themselves are more than those who live for God. Living for God is not easy as we think but there are lots of challenges ahead of us from the devil and his companions to stop us from following Christ.


We think that living without Jesus is good for us but the real truth is living without Jesus is not good for us but good for devil and his companions to steal, kill and destroy us. When we have Jesus with us no matter how worst we have lived our life before, we will be walking towards becoming the best.


With Jesus there is life, life in abundance. If we are struggling in our prayer life or disturbed when we hear bad news that is clearly the sign that Jesus is far from us. To bring Jesus closest to us we have to stop thinking or talking about the bad news and start speaking the Word of God with confidence so that we can experience the power of Jesus in our life.


When we are with Jesus we are having life, Life with Jesus on earth will surely connect us to eternal life with Jesus after our death.


Jesus is our way, truth and life and without Jesus we do not have satisfied life and because of this we are unsatisfied in whatever we speak or do in our life.


Jesus died for us on the cross and established His everlasting Kingdom on this earth and all authority on heaven and earth was given to Jesus. If we belong to His Kingdom then we have make up our mind to stand for Him in our difficult times.


Jesus is always waiting for us to come to Him so that He can work great things in our life. We come to Jesus and after we receive what we want we slowly slip away from Him towards the world.


Let us accept Jesus as our redeemer so that we may give up sin and we may walk with Jesus a holy and righteous life.



Date: 25:09:2020.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



“If abortion is not wrong, nothing is wrong.”Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta.


In today’s modern world youngsters and adults are getting themselves involved in sexual immorality and because of that there is great increase in abortions all over the world.


People have lost their senses and because of this they will go to any extent to satisfy their lust. People do not even care if someone’s life is spoilt because of their selfishness.


We have to understand that lust is like a flame if it ignites it will surely burn us not only here on earth but also after death in hell eternally.  Lust can start in us through impure movies and books but if we do not take care it will end in fornication or adultery. When we are committing sin of fornication or adultery many a times pregnancy will be one of the result of that wrong relationship which many of them want to get it out from their life so that they may not take any responsibility of that child and also relationship.


In the olden days men or women who were committing adultery were stoned to death but today everyone is getting free licence to commit it through the support of governments in many countries. Many leaders even have gone to the extent of saying that abortion is legal. Because of this legality people are not scared of doing abortion and killing life. They openly brag about their shameless acts  on social media .


God is the author of our life and only He has right to take the life back. Couples who are committing abortion are guilty of murder and because of that many who have committed abortion live without peace all the time.


Even if the entire world says fornication, adultery and abortion is legal still if God says it is wrong then all are wrong. What God say stands forever and what people say stand only till they die.


To believe God and His Word will be wise decision we can ever make and to believe what people, leaders or celebrities say will be foolish decision we can make if it is not according to the Word of God.




Date: 24:09:2020.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.


“Do not fear. Jesus is more powerful than all hell.”Saint Padre Pio.

We are all fearful either people or situations or sickness or any other things happening around us. Main reason for fear is we are habited to believe what we see.


Fear is a powerful tool of the devil to make us believe what we see so that we may forget completely about what we want to see. What we see is going to be there for few days or few months. If we focus ourselves on the Word of God then surely we will see everything in our life what we wanted to see.


Only name of JESUS is very powerful than devil and all his companions and because of that we do not have to fear anything happening around us and whenever fear tries knock at our door instead of sitting there and crying let us call upon the name JESUS and be rescued from the hands of evil.

Devil and his companions are powerful to destroy us as mere humans with lack of knowledge, ignorance and negative thinking .When we unite ourselves with the name of JESUS we become more powerful than the devil. Devil is very scared of the Word of God in us which can destroy his kingdom completely that is why he will deceive many and make them fall into temptation and waste time there so that he can find ways to bring more temptations to change their direction from heaven to hell.


In this world people who listen to devil are more than those who listen to God. Devil and his companions can do nothing in our life without our approval, most of us give approval to the devil to enter our life so that he can steal, kill and destroy and when this is happening we instead of blaming ourselves and changing, we blame others and also sometimes we blame God who has done nothing.

Let us believe in the name of Jesus which is very powerful to bring us out from any situation we are going through in our life. Jesus will never arrive early or late but He is always on time. Let us fight all our battles in the name of JESUS and make devil and his companions flee for their life.


Date: 23:09:2020.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in Isaiah 49:15 - Can a woman forget her nursing child, or show no compassion for the child of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you.


God is promising us through His word that He will never forget  us even if our parents or family or friends forget us.


In today’s world because of increase in selfishness many of the children who are born are rejected by parents by leaving them in toilet or garbage bin or other places so that they can plan child whenever they want. Truth is children are not born because of sexual relationship but because of approval of God or else we would not have millions of childless couples all over the world.


God sees everything and He will surely take care of that rejected child by sending someone to that place where the child is. God will also bless that person who takes care of that child as his own child.


God has compassion on every one of us no matter what we have done and will never forget anyone no matter how far we have walked away from Him. There are many parents who love younger more than elder one and that is why the elder one feels rejected and if that rejection doesn’t heal then that particular child grows violent and rude.


God is the only one who can satisfy us and no person or things can take His place. We may forget to pray but God will be thinking all the time about us and finding ways to execute His great plans in our life.


We have to ask God His help in all our sorrows, anger, rebellion and all other things we are battling with. We can be sure that God will help us and show that He is always close to us and always waiting patiently to hear from us.


We have to fix one thing in our heart firmly that God will never forget us or fail us or abandon us or reject us no matter even if the whole world rejects us. God always accepts us as we are as His own and always having good thoughts about us.


Date: 22:09:2020.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.


All the dead will rise, "those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of judgment."Catechism of the Catholic Church 998.


We all are praying from some days or months or years. But the question we have to ask ourselves is whether we are preparing ourselves everyday to face Jesus on the day of Judgement.


When we are prayers we think our life will change automatically but the truth is nothing is going to change automatically unless we work hard for it and only if we do not quit.


We have to work hard every day to give up our sins or bad habits which can make us go astray, This will take a serious commitment and firm decision from our side to stand for God and reject evil and His ways.


It is very easy to fall into temptations but it is very difficult to resist it. We have to understand as humans we do not have any intention of doing good because of our selfishness. The moment we connect with God we will start doing good in a small way we can.


We have analyze our life and see the wrongs we are doing everyday and we have to try to give up with the help of God. We do not have too much time to put forward. We have to start working in all the areas we have failed in the past so that we will overcome all our sin one by one.


As we move forward with a contrite heart God will show us more things we are thinking wrong or speaking wrong or doing wrong which without questioning we have to change so that He will reveal more areas.


Let us make our decision where we want to live after our death. We do not have choice after our death but we have choice right now when we are living. Let us chose wisely so that we may not regret on the day of judgement.


We will be receiving our judgement either to hell for eternity or to purgatory temporary or to heaven eternally. If we want to live with Jesus in heaven eternally we have to practice the same when we are living on this earth.


If we do not know Jesus when we are living on this earth then it will not be possible to live with Him forever. Let us start building our life according to the Word of God so that our life will be pleasing to God.


Date: 21:09:2020.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



“God doesn’t require us to succeed; he only requires that you try.” Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta.


We are praying to succeed in some or the other things in our life but the truth is success will surely come to us but not as fast as we think. Trying with the help of Word of God will be our work until we receive success and granting success is God’s work.


We have to pray so that we can try new things according to the Word of God and everything according to the Word of God is very difficult and we can succeed only when we try again and again when we fail miserably.


People who are new in prayers and people who are in prayers for long time are bound to fail in one or many things. People who are new in prayers may become discouraged and some may quit prayers thinking that prayer is not for them. People who are long in prayers when they miserably fail their ego come in between and they also may feel ashamed of themselves for few days or months and then some may start prayers again and others may become carnal minded.


God knows very well that we cannot succeed with our strength that is why whenever we fall short after trying very hard He gives us His Grace to make us qualify to receive blessings. Most of us do not want to try new things because we are comfortable in our daily routine. If any obstructions come against our daily routine we will get disturbed immediately and will fall trap to oppression and depression and after that also if we try live to ourselves then depression will grow into despair and end in suicide.


Let us try to practice everything according to the Word of God so that our practice may bring good things in our life. Practicing Word of God requires courage, confidence and patience so that we may have desire to keep on trying till we succeed. Sometimes we may succeed in few days, sometimes few months and sometimes few years. We have to have patience till we succeed.


Date: 20:09:2020.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in Psalm 30:5 - For his anger is but for a moment; his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may linger for the night, but joy comes with the morning.


God’s anger is only for a moment but His favour is for lifetime. Whenever we are disobedient to His Word, His anger will flare up but when we realize our mistakes and repent for the wrongs we have done immediately God is compassionate towards us and forgets everything we have done and blesses us.


Jesus has made satisfaction for all the sins we have committed with the Father and that’s why His anger is cooled down because of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Today’s generation takes Jesus sacrifice on the Cross for granted and shamelessly commit sins openly and also give bad example to all living around them.


We may all may start our life as sinners and if we are alert and commit ourselves to the Lord then surely we will be walking towards the path which leads to heaven. Every saint has a past in the same way we all have a past of sinful life which is washed by the precious blood of Jesus that is why we are blessed today with good prayerful life.


We all are going through lots of stress and insecurity today because of pandemic ruining our peace for more than 6 months and because of this many are going through depression, if we focus ourselves completely on the Word of God we will live joyfully when many of them are in sorrow. God’s Word can transform all our sorrows into joy and all our tears into great blessings. Let us cling on to the Word of God in times of trials so that victory will be surely ours no matter how hard it is.




Date: 19:09:2020.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



"In the forgiveness of sins, both priests and sacraments are instruments which our Lord Jesus Christ, the only author and liberal giver of salvation, wills to use in order to efface our sins and give us the grace of justification" Catechism of the Catholic Church 987.


We all can pray for few hours a day but when it comes to forgiveness most of us are very careless and because of this we pierce ourselves with unwanted sickness and problems.

Forgiving others or asking forgiveness with others requires lots of humility from us and without being humble it is not possible to say sorry for the mistakes we are doing.


Forgiveness is a sacrament instituted by Jesus Himself after His resurrection and shared His authority with His disciples so that they may also continue His mission on this earth.


We have to understand that the authority to forgive sins was initially given to the disciples and from there it has been passed on to the pope to cardinals to bishops to the priests. We have to understand that every priest who hears our confessions is persona Christi that means person in Christ. Priests are just instruments of God who are doing their job tirelessly given to them by God.


Most of us have wrong understanding that priest who is committing sins cannot forgive our sins but the truth is priest is only sitting as instrument of the Lord but it is Jesus who is forgiving our sins through them. Priest’s personal life doesn’t have anything to do with forgiveness of our sins.


We as Catholics are very good in attending Holy mass or retreat or novenas and when we ask Catholics when they last went for confession and to our surprise most of them have not gone for confession for at least 1 year or more. Without going for confession at least once in 2 months it is impossible to live the life of Grace bless by God.


Date: 18:09:2020.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



“Have courage and do not fear the assaults of the Devil. Remember this forever; it is a healthy sign if the devil shouts and roars around your conscience, since this shows that he is not inside your will.” ― Saint Padre Pio.


Devil is a liar and deceiver starting from the beginning till date and he targets people who are having lack of knowledge, people who are new in prayer and also people who are going through problems.

Devil knows very well how to attack people and he will not do it directly but indirectly through our thoughts by shifting our focus from God to problem. Once he has succeeded in doing this devil knows that he has won the battle against us.

Devil knows that once he puts fear of problem or situation inside us then we will be thinking more about the problem and less about the solutions and once this happens we will start speaking about our problems with others thinking that we will receive solutions but in turn our problems will become worst and unbearable.

We have to understand that God has power of His own and we can do nothing to increase it or to decrease it but on the other hand devil doesn’t have his own power but we give him power by agreeing to his wrong suggestions.

Let us understand one thing very clearly that God’s Word has power built within and it can bring solutions to any situation big or small only when we put our total confidence in His Word.

Devil can shout in our ears loudly about the wrong things but it is in our power to say no. We all should understand that we are created in image and likeness of God and because of that we are very powerful but most of us give lame excuses saying that we are weak and give devil opportunity to enter our life and steal, kill and destroy.


Let us have courage to face the devil not by our strength but by the strength of the Word of God. Word of God will surely make devil fearful and  because of that devil will be left with no option other than to flee from us.


Date: 17:09:2020.