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Saturday, October 31, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Are you in sorrow? Turn to Mary, for her name means also "Sea of Bitterness which has been filled with bitterness in this world but which is now turned into a sea of purest joy in heaven," and she will turn your sorrow into joy and your affliction into consolation.

 Secret of the Rosary, By Louis de Montfort.


We all because of going through different situation in our life will become sad or bitter or angry or jealous but we need to analyze our life and see where we go in these situation.

Truth is some go behind alcohol, some go behind impurity, some go behind drugs, some go behind indecent chats, and some spend time in entertainment. if we do above mentioned things then we will not be able to overcome negative emotions from our life.


We have to understand that if we run to Mother Mary mother of sorrows she will surely help us and whatever situation we are in we will be able to overcome. Mother Mary is great help for us because she has gone through great sorrows in her life and still she was silent and she will surely help us to overcome it.


We as Catholics pray Holy Rosary just to finish our family prayer obligation. If we mention our intentions before we recite the Holy Rosary then surely we will receive the required help through the intercession of Mother Mary which has never failed or will never fail.


When we seek Mother Mary’s help we should first respect her as our Mother and secondly we have to speak to her as we speak to our closest ones and also we should have confidence in her intercession. When we have all this we can surely receive big or small favours from the Lord.



Date: 31: 10: 2020.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in Colossians 3:17 - whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.



We are all called by the Lord for different purpose and according to the purpose He has for us responsibility also increases. We many a times wonder in midst of suffering why we cannot understand anything. We cannot understand anything only because God is taking us to higher call.


We have to analyze our life and see whether we have lived a selfish life or we have made any effort to do something for the Lord.



Every word we speak and every deed we do, if we offer it up to the Lord then surely He will purify our words and deeds so that it will become effective and fruitful. When we are at home or when we are at work we have to remember that we are living for the Lord. If anyone speaks something to disturb our day let us not hold it against that person but give it to the Lord so that every word spoken wrongly will be justified by the Lord.


In most of the cases when someone speaks something against us we will take the matter in our hand and fight against them by doing that we may strain the relationship to extreme where repair is impossible.


Let us develop a good habit of thanksgiving to the Lord for everything good and also bad happening in our life. Every bad evil ones brings in our life through his agents will become good for us through the power of God.


Every pain in our life will bring gain if we offer it to the Lord. Every pain will unite us to the suffering of Jesus. Every pain will make us value the suffering of Jesus. After we bear every pain joyfully surely we will be rewarded by the Lord.



Date: 30: 10: 2020.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.




“By two wings is man lifted above earthly things, even by
simplicity and purity. Simplicity ought to be in the intention,
purity in the affection.”
― The Imitation of Christ, By Thomas A Kempis.


In this modern world where people are filled with selfishness it is very difficult to identify people who are simple and pure. Without knowing the Word of God it is not possible to live a simple and pure life.




Simplicity is one the most difficult thing to practice in our life because of people living luxurious life around us. When we see people around us living luxurious life we will be also tempted to practice the same. Luxurious life looks good from outside but when we get inside we will understand how miserable it is. Luxurious life is miserable because of brokenness, loneliness and insensitivity.  People who practice luxurious life are not able to manage problems in their life that is why many of them end their life with suicide.


Let us learn to live a simple life even if we are rich so that we may not fall into depression when we go through small problems in life. Let us also practice generosity so that we may not be tempted to live luxurious life.




In today’s world people through media and internet are influencing people to do things which are contrary to the Word of God. Most of the people influenced by people through media and internet do things wrong according to the Word of God and they think in their mind that it is right.


For example many prominent people either through their real life or through the movies they act or through the videos they promote wrong practices like alcohol, drugs, sex, violence, abusive language, homosexuality, abortion and so on. All these if we follow then sure it will make us  impure.


When go through the Bible and check everything we were doing according to the influence of people or media was wrong. If people who Influence us land in hell then surely we will also reach the same destination if we are not alert to turn to the Word of God and change our ways.


If we live the life of simplicity and purity then surely we climb the ladder of holiness everyday of our life and because of climbing the ladder of holiness we will be journeying closer to God every day.



Date: 29: 10: 2020.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in Psalm 69:1 - Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck.


In today’s world problems are increasing because of pandemic and we can clearly see around the world economy is falling and because of that many business are not running well as a result there is huge job losses going on.


In these situation if we do not seek God’s help then one wrong decision can cost us few years of hardship. God is full of Wisdom and He knows how to get us out of every situation we are in. We have to learn to be calm in midst of our problems so that God can work great miracles in our life.

God is waiting patiently to see how many of us cry to Him with faith so that He can give us solutions to our problems which will last for long time. We have to seek God’s help when problems are at starting point instead of believing our instincts and waiting for more time and making the problem worst. God knows everything happening in our life but He will never intervene without we asking Him because He respects the freewill He has given to every one of us.


We should not wait till the problems are going to be over our head so that we may struggle to overcome it, instead let us develop a good habit of praying everyday when everything is going on well in our life so that God may rescue us from all the traps of the devil.


Devil is cunning and full of lies, that is why if we do not know the Word of God thoroughly then He will come to us with one or the other deceiving ideas where we may think everything is good but once we get into it we will be trapped there for months and years.


Devil has put in the minds of people who are having lack of faith to take loans, credit cards, quit job, start business, extra marital affair, quick rich schemes and so on. People listen to the suggestion of the devil quickly and get into it, initially it looks very good but as the days pass by everything starts failing one by one till we lose all.


By going behind something which is not destined by God many of us have pierced ourselves with different kinds of pain like some have landed in jail, some have called upon them sickness, some have fallen into addictions and some have fallen into various other problems which is very difficult to handle. Let us ask God to save us so that He will surely come at the right time and He will surely rescue us from all the destruction of the devil.



Date: 28: 10: 2020.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



“As long as you live, you will be subject to change, whether you will it or not - now glad, now sorrowful; now pleased, now displeased; now devout, now undevout; now vigorous, now slothful; now gloomy, now merry. But a wise man who is well taught in spiritual labor stands unshaken in all such things, and heeds little what he feels, or from what side the wind of instability blows.”
― The Imitation of Christ, By Thomas à Kempis.


In today’s world because of all uncertainty going on because of the covid19pandemic, life of many people has turned upside down and some have lost their life.


We may be in prayer from few months or few years we are all going through different types of emotions in our life and not a single person can stay out of the emotions for all their life.


We all because of being in different situations in our life along with it our emotions change, In some cases positive emotions and in some cases negative emotions.


For example when a jobless person gets an appointment letter he cannot sit and cry but will be happy in the same way when a person loses his job he will not be happy but will become sad.


When we lose one of the loved ones in our life we will not laugh and celebrate in the same way when one of the new member of our family is born we will not sit and cry but we will be happy and celebrate.


We have to understand that these are the raw emotions every person possesses but when we recite the Word of God everyday with confidence then surely we can become mature in our emotions to some extent. No one can control emotions 100%, if they do then they will be as good as dead. Every living person has a soul and every soul has emotions so that we may express ourselves in different situations.


If we do not feel the pain of others then we are insensitive and also sometimes we are dishonest with ourselves. We all feel the pain but when ego comes in between we try to hide from others to show them that we are strong but in reality we will be the weakest.


When Holy Spirit touches us powerfully no matter how strong is that person tears will flow. Let us be honest with ourselves and do not put up fake appearances to please others because by doing that we are going to hurt ourselves more and it will not benefit us.


Date: 27: 10: 2020.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in 1 John 2:2 - and he is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.


Jesus came into this world in human form so that He can carry out the master plan of God. Master plan of God was to sacrifice His only son for the sins of humanity so that they may free from the slavery of the devil.


In the olden days every year the people had to sacrifice goats, lamb and bull for sin offering. The same sin offering was abolished by Jesus by sacrificing Himself once for all on the cross of Calvary.


Today we are redeemed through the precious blood of Jesus. But the question we to ask ourselves is whether we know it. Truth is most of us do not know even after keeping crucifix in our house and also wearing Holy Rosary which has crucifix. For most of us sacrifice of Jesus means nothing that’s why when we go through suffering instead of uniting our suffering to the suffering of Jesus we complain, grumble and also rebel against  God.


Jesus suffered highest level of pain when He was falsely accused, flogged, carrying the Cross, nailing to the cross and death on the cross, when God allows same in our life but with lower level of pain, if we accept it and bear it silently, then surely our life will change and also we will have victory over sin in our life.


Jesus died for everyone living in this world especially for unbelievers and sinners, so that they may experience His love and change their life for good and live for Him and also bring all the lost souls to His Kingdom.


Every suffering which is coming in our life if we offer it to Jesus then surely our suffering will be meaningful and also it will lead us to the plan and purpose of God. God has master plan for everyone’s life and that master plan even the devil does not have a hint about it, but because of being busy in the world most of us miss it. As Jesus suffered to save us, we have to ask ourselves whether we are ready to go out of our comfort zone and bring back every lost and broken soul back to Jesus.


Date: 26: 10: 2020.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



“A wise lover values not so much the gift of the lover as the love of the giver.” ― The Imitation of Christ, By Thomas à Kempis.



In today’s world people go to church especially on Sundays to fulfil their obligation and not because of love. If we are doing everything connected to God because of obligation then surely we will be more interested in receiving from God everything and when it comes to loving God we fall away.



Without having love that is fruit of the Holy Spirit it is not possible for us to love God. We have to analyze our life and see how many dark areas we have overcome. If we have not overcome dark areas in our life after being in prayer then we have to understand that love towards God is not grown in us.


We all can shout at the top our voice “ I love You Lord ”but when it comes to giving up things that displeases God  we ignore  and we think we will give up everything which displeases God automatically because we are  in prayers. Truth is it will never come to us automatically but we have to commit ourselves to the Lord and strive to give up.


When we decide with our own will to live for God on this earth, we will do everything which pleases God not because it is written in His Word but because we love Him. When we were small we loved our parents very much and when we loved them we used to obey them in most of the things in the same way when we love God more than everything we will do everything which will make Him happy and never to make Him sad.


Let us not love only the things which are blessed by God in our life but let us love God who is the giver of all good things. When we love God more than anything we have or anything we are going to have then surely we will decrease in sin and increase in wisdom of God, faith, love, forgiveness, hope, justice, discernment, prudence, knowledge, temperance, fortitude and so on.


Let us make every effort to love God and be united with Him every day so that we may be benefited greatly because of His presence in our life.



Date: 25: 10: 2020.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in Luke 22:42 - “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me; yet, not my will but yours be done.”


There are 2 types of suffering which will come into our life first one is suffering for our sins, second one suffering for Jesus.


Suffering for our sins.


Sin is very easy to commit and result of every sin the consequences follow. As a result of consequences we will be caught up with problems or sickness or bad debts or family problems or sudden death of our loved ones, poverty, strained relationships, failures and so on. When we are going through sufferings for our sins we have to accept it with joy and bear it in silence so that through that righteousness springs up. Every person who is on the path of righteousness today had life of sin in the past. It is because of mercy and Grace of God we were able to give up life of sin and live a righteous life. Once we have suffered because of our sins we will be having great hatredness inside of us against sin and also we have alertness that every sin we commit will make our master sad and we at no cost want to make our master Jesus sad.


Suffering For Jesus.


When we grow in righteousness there will be one more type of suffering that will come in our life which will be very hard to bear. God will bring so many people who are broken in our life so that we may speak His word to them and help them to overcome it. When they overcome it after sometime they will persecute us, spoil our name, gossip about us badly with others after doing good to them. This type of suffering is very hard to bear than to bear suffering coming in our because of our sins.


Jesus also did good to so many people in His ministry on this earth but the same people persecuted Him, brought false accusation against Him, spit on Him, made Him carry the heavy cross, crucified Him in the same way people are going to do the same to us also but for us help of Jesus is always there and through His Grace He will transform all our enemies into our friends.


When we are called by God to do His mission, we have be very careful about people and we should not be attached to anyone or be very close with anyone. If we want to become close also we have to be calm when they speak wrongly about us and bless them for cursing and pray for them for persecuting and speak good about them when are gossiping about us.


All suffering whether it is coming in our life because of our sins or we are suffering for Jesus is allowed in our life by God so that through it He will reward us with something we have not thought in our mind or seen in our life. Let our prayer be when we are suffering :: Jesus let this cup of suffering be removed from my life not according to my will but according to Your will::.



Date: 24: 10: 2020.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



“All men desire peace, but very few desire those things that make for peace.” ― The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas à Kempis.



We all are living in midst of corrupt world and because of this we cannot live in peace because of the wrong practices we follow in the world. We all want peace but we do not follow everything which will bring peace to us and also to people around us.


If we do not know God and His Word it is next to impossible to practice peace because whenever someone speaks harshly with us, we instead of keeping quiet and bearing it we try to retaliate with them and disturb our peace and live with guilt and sorrow instead of joy.



If we are retaliating to every words spoken by others which we do not like that clearly shows that our flesh is at work. If our Spirit is at work then surely no matter what others speak to us or speak about us with others which is not according to the Word of God, that words will not have any impact on our life.



We have to understand that devil and his companions are the driving force behind everything which disturbs our peace.  We have to focus on the Word of God when people come against us to disturb our peace so that we may cultivate peace which is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. If we are not alert then surely we will get into arguments, fight with the person who has disturbed our peace instead of fighting against the devil with help of the Word of God.


God is always supporting unity among us and in the same way devil wants to divide us. When we live in peace within us and with our neighbours then surely devil and his companions will not have any access to us and also no access to our neighbour.


When we have cultivated peace which is the fruit of Holy Spirit in our life then surely devil and his companions will have no chance to stand against us.


Let us make all effort to grow in peace so that devil and his companions will have no access to our life. Moment our peace is disturbed then surely we will open the door for devil and his companions to enter our life and to steal all our blessings and joy, to kill our character and to destroy every good thing we have been blessed by God.


Date: 23: 10: 2020.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in Hebrews 11:6 - And without faith it is impossible to please God, for whoever would approach him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.



We all are in different level of prayers but we have to analyze our life and see whether we have faith. Truth is most of us are praying to God with our lips but our heart is far away.


If we are in faith, we will not be fearful about the things we see but we will be at peace and joy because we will be focused on what we want to see.

Faith has nothing to do with what we see but it has everything to do with what we want to see. Faith cannot be inherited because we are in prayers but everything we are doing in prayers will be tested by God, only when we pass the test, we will grow little by little in faith.


We all have to go through different kinds of tests everyday. We have to be courageous in midst of the test because fear will make us fail in the test. We have to focus ourselves in the Word of   God and reject all the suggestions devil brings to our thoughts and stand strong on the Word of God then surely we will pass the test and also our confidence in God and His Word will increase.


We have to understand that by shouting at the top of our voice in the church or by coming daily to church we cannot please God, but only when we have faith in Him and His Word we will be able to please Him. Without having faith none of us can please God, we cannot have faith in God unless we believe with our heart that He exists and He will reward us with best things which we cannot inherit even if we have to work all our life.


Let us read the Word of God, memorize the Word of God and apply the same in our daily life so that we may grow strong in faith and by becoming strong in faith we can please God.



Date: 22: 10: 2020.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



“If you have so many defects, why are you surprised to find defects in others?”Saint Jose Maria Escriva.



We all may be in prayers but we are having many defects which we have to rectify through the Word of God. Our defects may be in form of anger, jealousy, hatredness, doubt, fear, arrogance, pride, lust, slander, greed, craving for name, fame, power, negative thinking, sorrows, insecurity, confusion, rash decision, hypocrisy and so on.


Our defects can be mild or grave, if it is mild it’s easy to change ourselves but if it is grave then we will struggle for months and years to get out of it and in some case it will be till the end of their life.



We have to understand the reason for our defects and the reason we are not able to overcome it from our life.


Chasing the desires of the flesh and also because of accepting the lies and deceit of the devil is the main reason for our defects. The reason we are not able to overcome is because we have not been able to identify it and sometimes we have tried to identify but some distraction came from the devil which made us go in different direction leaving it unattended.


Most of us fail to identify defects in our life but will be more interested to find out defect in others life and also we will not hesitate to correct that person sometimes kindly but most of the times rudely by shouting. We have to understand that without correcting ourselves, we should not try to correct others and also if we have defects then we have to understand that others are also having the same.

Let us be serious in identifying our defects and correcting it so that we may not perish to hell but by correcting it let us walk towards the path which is leading to heaven.


No matter if we put a veil and act as holy in front of others still God knows what we are because His eyes are 10,000 times brighter than the sun and He will see every hidden corners of our heart and He has knowledge of everything inside of us which we also do not know.



Date: 21: 10: 2020.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in 1 Peter 4:1- Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same intention (for whoever has suffered in the flesh has finished with sin),



Suffering is the last thing we all want to go through because of the pain involved in it. Many of us think that suffering is limited to priests, nuns and the religious. Everyone who are called to suffer are the most blessed people on this earth.


If we are imitating Jesus on this earth then we have to go through every suffering coming our way with joy. Suffering may come to us through persecution or blaming or failures or sickness or family problems so on. We may be in one or more problems in our life, we should not get angry or sad about it but we have to rejoice because God’s great victory is around the corner.


Devil always puts on our mind that we should not go through suffering and we have to take revenge on all those who persecute us so that we may lose the great reward from God. Every suffering may start from the evil but if we are joyful then surely it will end with God.


We have to understand one thing clearly that everything which is happening in our life is allowed by God either for us to learn a lesson from it or to experience His great rewards in our life.


If we go through suffering then surely we will give up our sinful life and practice life of holiness. Every suffering coming our way will surely help us overcome every wrong thinking, every root of unforgiveness, every curse so that we may be united with God and be close to Him.


We have to understand when we are united with God even if the evil and his companions come against us still they cannot prevail over us but they will be surely defeated and they will flee from us.



Date: 20: 10: 2020.