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Saturday, October 17, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.


 Saint Teresa of Avila

There are more tears shed over answered prayers than over unanswered prayers.”
-Saint Teresa of Avila.


We are all praying for different things, some pray for good job, some pray for good health, some for good friends, some for good family, some for peace of mind, some for solutions for various problems and only few pray for spiritual things which is more precious than all.


When we are praying we are not having any guarantee that we will receive in 1 day or in 1 month or in 1 year. Sometimes we find ourselves crying to God over answered prayers rather than unanswered prayers.

God knows very clearly what to give us and when to give us, that is why we should not get worried about what we did not received Instead we have to learn to thank God for everything we have received from His hands.


We have to understand that we cannot thank God enough for all the good things He has done in our life. Let us count  some of the blessings we have received from God till date so that we may analyze our life and see whether we have thanked God enough and for most of us the answer will come NO.


If we have 2 eyes to see, 2 ears to hear, mouth to speak, 2 hands to work, 2 legs to walk then we are the most blessed people living on this earth. We can see millions of people in the world who want to see but they are blind, people who want to hear but they are  deaf, people who want to speak but  they are dumb, people who want to work but have no hands, people who want to walk but do not have legs. When we see all these people around us we will understand how blessed we are and for that alone if we thank God all our life still it is not enough.


Let us not worry about the things of the world and waste our time crying about it to God instead let us cry about our sins and things we have done which has displeased God and ask His help to overcome it from our life so that we may walk from hell towards purgatory and from purgatory towards heaven.


Let us not get worried about all the unanswered prayers in our life. Our prayers are unanswered either because we are praying for something which is not according to the plan of God and also sometimes our prayers are unanswered because God has something very big for us in His mind.


Let us Thank God for His mercy, for His Grace, for His Love, for His compassion, For His forgiveness, For His wisdom, For His holiness, For His justice which He has shared with us which has transformed our life from sin to Grace.



Date: 17: 10: 2020.

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