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Thursday, October 8, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.


Word of God clearly says in Deuteronomy 16:17 -  all shall give as they are able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God that he has given you.


Giving is one of the most important things we have to practice when we are in prayers. Giving today has become like business. Many preachers preach that if we sow in their ministry then surely their wealth will multiply.


For many preachers who are preaching about money have received  lots of wealth and that’s why they come for preaching in expensive cars and private jet instead of simple car.

Giving has to be practiced not to multiply our wealth but to overcome our selfishness. In today’s church people are more interested to give money in thousands  for parish feast or any programme in the church where their name is displayed and also when they receive honour in front of people through candle or shawl. If we say to the same people who gave thousands for name and honour to contribute hundreds to the poor they will throw some coins and go because they know it will not benefit them.


God has never promised in His Word to give us money when we give money, But He has promised us that He will open the windows of heaven and pour on us the blessings we need the most.


All people who give money may not require money, some may require solutions regarding their job, some may require solution to their family problems, some may require peace, some may require healing for sickness they are going through or their loved ones are going through, some may require courage when they are living in fear of people or situation, some may require deliverance from addictions and so on.


God knows what we need the most at this hour and He will give us the same. We should not tithe thinking that we will get more money so that we can satisfy our greed. We have to give tithes so that we may grow from selfishness to generosity.


Giving will not come for us automatically because we are going to church regularly but we have to practice it. We have so many who come to church regularly do not wish to help the poor or the needy.


Let us not practice giving so that we may receive honour in front of people but let us give because God has given us. Let us practice generosity in our life so that we may escape from all the traps set by the devil.



Date: 08: 10: 2020.

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