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Saturday, October 3, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.

The Last Judgment will reveal even to its furthest consequences the good each person has done or failed to do during his earthly life: Catechism of the Catholic Church 1039.


We are all given equal opportunities by God to do good, sometimes we obey and do good to others and most of the time we reject and fail to do good to others.


We will regret after our death the opportunities we have missed by disobeying the voice of God. Judgement is based on all the good we did and also all the good we were able to do and failed to do.


We should not wait till the end of our life on this earth for God to reveal His judgement but we have to seriously work hard towards it and try our level best to do good to people we like, people we dislike and also all people we do not know. When we are in the habit of doing good no matter who comes against us they cannot prevail over us and also all our enemies will be put to shame.



Doing good does not arise from within us but will arise only when we are connected to God who is the only source of all goodness. We are all doing bad to others through the influence of our flesh and also because of connecting to the source of all bad that is devil.



Good and bad cannot walk together that is why whenever we try to do good to others immediately devil will stir up someone to come against us and do bad through their word or deeds so that he can shift our focus towards the  bad happening in our life and give up doing good. When bad is happening in our life we have to be calm so that through the power of God and His Word we will overcome evil with Good and because of overcoming all evil with good we do not have to fear dreadful judgement but eagerly wait for the day of judgement so that we may see our saviour face to face on the throne of judgement.



Date: 03: 10: 2020.

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