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Thursday, October 29, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.




“By two wings is man lifted above earthly things, even by
simplicity and purity. Simplicity ought to be in the intention,
purity in the affection.”
― The Imitation of Christ, By Thomas A Kempis.


In this modern world where people are filled with selfishness it is very difficult to identify people who are simple and pure. Without knowing the Word of God it is not possible to live a simple and pure life.




Simplicity is one the most difficult thing to practice in our life because of people living luxurious life around us. When we see people around us living luxurious life we will be also tempted to practice the same. Luxurious life looks good from outside but when we get inside we will understand how miserable it is. Luxurious life is miserable because of brokenness, loneliness and insensitivity.  People who practice luxurious life are not able to manage problems in their life that is why many of them end their life with suicide.


Let us learn to live a simple life even if we are rich so that we may not fall into depression when we go through small problems in life. Let us also practice generosity so that we may not be tempted to live luxurious life.




In today’s world people through media and internet are influencing people to do things which are contrary to the Word of God. Most of the people influenced by people through media and internet do things wrong according to the Word of God and they think in their mind that it is right.


For example many prominent people either through their real life or through the movies they act or through the videos they promote wrong practices like alcohol, drugs, sex, violence, abusive language, homosexuality, abortion and so on. All these if we follow then sure it will make us  impure.


When go through the Bible and check everything we were doing according to the influence of people or media was wrong. If people who Influence us land in hell then surely we will also reach the same destination if we are not alert to turn to the Word of God and change our ways.


If we live the life of simplicity and purity then surely we climb the ladder of holiness everyday of our life and because of climbing the ladder of holiness we will be journeying closer to God every day.



Date: 29: 10: 2020.

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