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Monday, October 26, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in 1 John 2:2 - and he is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.


Jesus came into this world in human form so that He can carry out the master plan of God. Master plan of God was to sacrifice His only son for the sins of humanity so that they may free from the slavery of the devil.


In the olden days every year the people had to sacrifice goats, lamb and bull for sin offering. The same sin offering was abolished by Jesus by sacrificing Himself once for all on the cross of Calvary.


Today we are redeemed through the precious blood of Jesus. But the question we to ask ourselves is whether we know it. Truth is most of us do not know even after keeping crucifix in our house and also wearing Holy Rosary which has crucifix. For most of us sacrifice of Jesus means nothing that’s why when we go through suffering instead of uniting our suffering to the suffering of Jesus we complain, grumble and also rebel against  God.


Jesus suffered highest level of pain when He was falsely accused, flogged, carrying the Cross, nailing to the cross and death on the cross, when God allows same in our life but with lower level of pain, if we accept it and bear it silently, then surely our life will change and also we will have victory over sin in our life.


Jesus died for everyone living in this world especially for unbelievers and sinners, so that they may experience His love and change their life for good and live for Him and also bring all the lost souls to His Kingdom.


Every suffering which is coming in our life if we offer it to Jesus then surely our suffering will be meaningful and also it will lead us to the plan and purpose of God. God has master plan for everyone’s life and that master plan even the devil does not have a hint about it, but because of being busy in the world most of us miss it. As Jesus suffered to save us, we have to ask ourselves whether we are ready to go out of our comfort zone and bring back every lost and broken soul back to Jesus.


Date: 26: 10: 2020.

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