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Thursday, October 22, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in Hebrews 11:6 - And without faith it is impossible to please God, for whoever would approach him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.



We all are in different level of prayers but we have to analyze our life and see whether we have faith. Truth is most of us are praying to God with our lips but our heart is far away.


If we are in faith, we will not be fearful about the things we see but we will be at peace and joy because we will be focused on what we want to see.

Faith has nothing to do with what we see but it has everything to do with what we want to see. Faith cannot be inherited because we are in prayers but everything we are doing in prayers will be tested by God, only when we pass the test, we will grow little by little in faith.


We all have to go through different kinds of tests everyday. We have to be courageous in midst of the test because fear will make us fail in the test. We have to focus ourselves in the Word of   God and reject all the suggestions devil brings to our thoughts and stand strong on the Word of God then surely we will pass the test and also our confidence in God and His Word will increase.


We have to understand that by shouting at the top of our voice in the church or by coming daily to church we cannot please God, but only when we have faith in Him and His Word we will be able to please Him. Without having faith none of us can please God, we cannot have faith in God unless we believe with our heart that He exists and He will reward us with best things which we cannot inherit even if we have to work all our life.


Let us read the Word of God, memorize the Word of God and apply the same in our daily life so that we may grow strong in faith and by becoming strong in faith we can please God.



Date: 22: 10: 2020.

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