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Saturday, October 10, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in Ephesians 4:32 - and be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.


We all who are in prayers try to kind to one another but with our human nature it is next to impossible. We are kind with those who are kind and we are unkind to those who are unkind. If we are kind to those who are kind to us then surely there is no reward for us as the unbelievers also do the same.


Kindness is one the fruit of the Holy Spirit which we cannot practice in our life before living the life of Spirit. Without practicing we cannot get anything freely. We know that to grow any fruit first we need to have the seed and plant it and water it till it becomes plant and then water it till it becomes tree and then it will bear fruit in the same way we have to practice kindness with those who are unkind with us to display God’s power within us.


Our heart can be either tender or arrogant , If our heart is tender then surely we can feel the pain of others and if we are arrogant we will be ignoring the pain of others and walk like blind when we can see.


Forgiving each other is the most difficult thing to do because people who hurt us are more than the people who comfort us. That is why we have to have positive mindset inside us so that we may be able to forgive the same people again and again when they hurt us through their word or deeds. Forgiving others cannot arise from our human nature but surely it arises from God.


Most of us struggle being kind or being tender hearted or with forgiveness only because our flesh is strong and our Spirit is weak. Let us practice living the life of Spirit so that our life in the Spirit will guide us to be kind to the unkind, tender hearted towards those who are suffering and also to forgive each other.


Date: 10: 10: 2020.

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