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Sunday, October 18, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in Matthew 7:5- You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbour’s eye.


In today’s world we see that most of the people are interested to give advice to others and when somebody gives advice to them they either become angry or irritated or violent.


In the same way people who point out at the mistake of others are more when they are doing bigger mistakes than others. We all have to learn to mind our own business and when we have learnt to rectify our mistakes then only we have to help others identify their mistakes and rectify it.


We most of the times correct others in a aggressive way thinking that they will change but the truth is they will change only for a moment and after sometime they will do the same thing what they were doing before. If we correct ourselves according to the Word and live a righteous life then automatically others change looking at us.


If we do not correct ourselves first according to the Word of God and try to correct others then we will look like hypocrites. If we grow in hypocrisy then people we have given advice may reach towards the path of heaven but we may slip either to purgatory or to hell.


It is better for us to look at our life and see things we are doing wrong so that we may rectify every wrong with the help of the Word of God. If we overcome one area let us not think it’s finished and move on  but search for next  area we need to overcome till we grow in perfection and overcome every dark areas of our life, once we have managed to overcome every dark areas in our life, God will send people to us so that they may also overcome every dark areas of their life.


Let us practice to be stern with ourselves till we start doing everything right in our life which we were doing wrong because of influence of people or world or flesh, then only let us correct others according to the Word of God gently. When we correct other with gentleness surely we will see their life changed and also others life changed through them.



Date: 18: 10: 2020.

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