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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in Psalm 69:1 - Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck.


In today’s world problems are increasing because of pandemic and we can clearly see around the world economy is falling and because of that many business are not running well as a result there is huge job losses going on.


In these situation if we do not seek God’s help then one wrong decision can cost us few years of hardship. God is full of Wisdom and He knows how to get us out of every situation we are in. We have to learn to be calm in midst of our problems so that God can work great miracles in our life.

God is waiting patiently to see how many of us cry to Him with faith so that He can give us solutions to our problems which will last for long time. We have to seek God’s help when problems are at starting point instead of believing our instincts and waiting for more time and making the problem worst. God knows everything happening in our life but He will never intervene without we asking Him because He respects the freewill He has given to every one of us.


We should not wait till the problems are going to be over our head so that we may struggle to overcome it, instead let us develop a good habit of praying everyday when everything is going on well in our life so that God may rescue us from all the traps of the devil.


Devil is cunning and full of lies, that is why if we do not know the Word of God thoroughly then He will come to us with one or the other deceiving ideas where we may think everything is good but once we get into it we will be trapped there for months and years.


Devil has put in the minds of people who are having lack of faith to take loans, credit cards, quit job, start business, extra marital affair, quick rich schemes and so on. People listen to the suggestion of the devil quickly and get into it, initially it looks very good but as the days pass by everything starts failing one by one till we lose all.


By going behind something which is not destined by God many of us have pierced ourselves with different kinds of pain like some have landed in jail, some have called upon them sickness, some have fallen into addictions and some have fallen into various other problems which is very difficult to handle. Let us ask God to save us so that He will surely come at the right time and He will surely rescue us from all the destruction of the devil.



Date: 28: 10: 2020.

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