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Friday, October 2, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.


Word of God clearly says in Romans 8:24-25 - For in hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen?  But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.


Hope is the most important word most of us have forgotten when everything was going good in our life and try to give up hope in midst of problems. Hope doesn’t come automatically but it comes to us through which we put our faith into.


Most of us put our faith in some or the other things. For example the person who is sick puts his faith more on medicine, the person who has family problem put his faith in astrology, witchcraft and advice from people more, the person who has got good job puts his total faith in his job and some put their faith in their desires of the world. Faith doesn’t work without hope and in the same way hope will not work without faith.


People who put their faith in the Word of God are more blessed than those who put their put their faith in other things. Medicines can fail, family problem can become worse, good job can turn into job loss but the Word of God will work slowly and steadily in our life so that we may not go astray.


If we put our total hope in the Word of God we will never get discouraged or disappointed if anything goes wrong in our life. We have to understand that our plan fails so that it will make way for God’s great plan to be implemented in our life which will flourish not only in our life and also in our future generations.


Let us not put our confidence in anything other than the Word of God so that we may live joyfully and also be patient till God unveils His great plan in our life. God’s plan will never fail but because of not believing in God’s plan we fail the God’s plan in our life.


Sometimes when we are disappointed because of failure in achieving or getting something in our life we instead of becoming sad we have to maintain our peace and wait for God so that God will reveal His miracle in our life.


Date: 02: 10: 2020.

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