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Thursday, October 1, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



"The holy Rosary is a powerful weapon. Use it with confidence and you'll be amazed at the results."Saint Jose Maria Escriva.


 We as Catholics have special identity and Holy Rosary is one of the things people can identify that we are Catholics, after being Catholics we display Holy Rosary in our vehicles and in our homes and most of us haven’t prayed Holy Rosary from months or years.


Holy Rosary is given to us to pray and not to display. If we pray daily only we may notice the great changes which will happen in our life. We all are influenced by science and technology which has made our whole day’s job to finish in few hours and that’s why we apply the same when it comes to prayers.


Holy Rosary is not an ordinary prayer but it is powerful tool to keep ourselves in peace in midst of all disturbance. Holy Rosary was given to Saint Dominic in the year 1214  before any other denomination of Christianity was born and through reciting of the Holy Rosary there were numerous miracles happened all over the world.



Famous miracles which happened through Holy Rosary is


1.     Holy Rosary Protects Jesuit Priests from The Atom Bomb at Hiroshima ~ 1945


2.     Holy Rosary Frees Austria from Communist Rule in 1955.



3.     Holy Rosary Defeats a Philippino Dictatorship in 1986.


4.     Holy Rosary Saves King Alphonsus, King of Leon and Galicia from Eternal Fire.


5.     Through Holy Rosary Father Patrick Peyton who is also called The Rosary Priest was miraculously healed of advanced stages of Tuberculosis.1938



These are some of the famous miracles happened because of reciting the Holy Rosary, Let us not take Holy Rosary lightly but let us practice reciting early in the morning so that we may start our day with peace.


Let’s practice reciting Holy Rosary everyday without fail and we will see after some years our life will be completely changed and we will be living for God on this earth.


Date: 01: 10: 2020.

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