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Sunday, October 4, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in 1 John 1:10 - If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.


In this world we see most of the people around us think that they have not sinned that is the main reason they do not go for confession for years.


If we or anyone think that we have not sinned then we are liars and also make God a liar. Let us accept that we are all sinners and we need Jesus to redeem us from the slavery of sin or else we will be committing sin and heaping sin in our life till it brings unbearable consequences in our life.


Every sin we commit today may bring bag full of consequences on the day we do not expect that is why let us decide now  to renew our mind according the Word of God and live for God on this earth so that when we die we will live with Him forever.


If the Word of God is with us then surely the same Word of God will rebuke us, correct us, discipline us and also make us experience conversion of our soul.


Committing sin is very easy but the guilt we are going to be filled after committing is unbearable sometimes and because of this we will not be able to pray for few days or few months or few years. We have to understand that wages for sin is death and death doesn’t mean physical death but it refers to eternal hell.


Suffering in hell is continuous and there is no respite that’s why it is better to accept instructions from God through His Word and change ourselves for better and also make a strong decision to go for confession at least once in 2 months so that we may not live in error but live in Grace.


God is providing us opportunities after opportunities to change our life let us accept His opportunities given to us and experience great life of Grace with God every day.


Date: 04: 10: 2020.

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