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Monday, October 19, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.




“It is not really a small thing when in small things we resist self.”
The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas à Kempis.



We are all called by God to live a holy and righteous life but the truth is whether we are ready to give up pleasures of the flesh, desires of the world and also lies of the devil, if we are not ready to give up all these then surely how hard we try to become mature in faith we will fall short.


Word of God says the life of flesh is against life of Spirit they are opposite to each other that is why we cannot live for God when our flesh is strong and our Spirit is weak.


When we start our journey with God in the beginning we feel everything is easy, but we will know the real challenge waiting for us when we reach to the middle of our journey, because devil and his companions will bring series of temptations in our life so that we may fall and be slaves of that temptation. If we overcome all the temptations and walk forward with the power of the Word of God then surely will be mature in faith.



In today’s modern world where people are sensible doing things of the world and when it comes to God they are careless and lacking sense. They are ready to change their behaviour when everything goes upside down but they are not ready to change their behaviour when everything is good in their life and because of this people around them will be having difficult times because of their rude behaviour.


We all have to give up something in our life to gain something but the truth is people want to sin and also expect great things from God. Our life should become like fragrant sacrifice to the Lord. If we love the Lord then we should give up everything which is displeasing Him.


We may think many times is there any benefit for us if we give up things which is displeasing God, truth is Yes because when we give up things that are displeasing God we will surely start practicing everything which is pleasing God.


When we practice everything which is pleasing God then surely every strained relationship will be restored to normal, Every person we failed to forgive in the past, we will able to forgive easily, every hurtful deeds and words of our loved ones which was making us fall into depression, we will be able to live joyfully.


When we give up pleasures of the flesh, desires of the world and lies of the devil, God inspires us to do things which will change our life forever only if we are alert, listen to His voice and obey His voice.


Date: 19: 10: 2020.

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