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Saturday, October 24, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in Luke 22:42 - “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me; yet, not my will but yours be done.”


There are 2 types of suffering which will come into our life first one is suffering for our sins, second one suffering for Jesus.


Suffering for our sins.


Sin is very easy to commit and result of every sin the consequences follow. As a result of consequences we will be caught up with problems or sickness or bad debts or family problems or sudden death of our loved ones, poverty, strained relationships, failures and so on. When we are going through sufferings for our sins we have to accept it with joy and bear it in silence so that through that righteousness springs up. Every person who is on the path of righteousness today had life of sin in the past. It is because of mercy and Grace of God we were able to give up life of sin and live a righteous life. Once we have suffered because of our sins we will be having great hatredness inside of us against sin and also we have alertness that every sin we commit will make our master sad and we at no cost want to make our master Jesus sad.


Suffering For Jesus.


When we grow in righteousness there will be one more type of suffering that will come in our life which will be very hard to bear. God will bring so many people who are broken in our life so that we may speak His word to them and help them to overcome it. When they overcome it after sometime they will persecute us, spoil our name, gossip about us badly with others after doing good to them. This type of suffering is very hard to bear than to bear suffering coming in our because of our sins.


Jesus also did good to so many people in His ministry on this earth but the same people persecuted Him, brought false accusation against Him, spit on Him, made Him carry the heavy cross, crucified Him in the same way people are going to do the same to us also but for us help of Jesus is always there and through His Grace He will transform all our enemies into our friends.


When we are called by God to do His mission, we have be very careful about people and we should not be attached to anyone or be very close with anyone. If we want to become close also we have to be calm when they speak wrongly about us and bless them for cursing and pray for them for persecuting and speak good about them when are gossiping about us.


All suffering whether it is coming in our life because of our sins or we are suffering for Jesus is allowed in our life by God so that through it He will reward us with something we have not thought in our mind or seen in our life. Let our prayer be when we are suffering :: Jesus let this cup of suffering be removed from my life not according to my will but according to Your will::.



Date: 24: 10: 2020.

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