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Friday, October 16, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in 1 Peter 1:15 - Instead, as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct;



God is holy of holies and with Him there is no deceit or lies but He is full of truth, justice and righteousness.


God is holy and He has called every one of us to become holy but today’s generation is only interested to receive material things from God and in other things which will benefit them more than material things they are least interested.


We have to understand the meaning of Holy. Holy means separated or set apart. If we are called to be Holy we will be set apart from the world for the Lord. If we are set apart for the Lord then we will be one of a kind so that through us many others around us change their life for better.


Holiness will not come to us automatically because we are in prayer but we will inherit holiness only after we go through the discipline of the Lord in our life. God’s Word clearly says that God will discipline everyone who co-operate with Him, God’s discipline is not like the discipline we received from our parents or teachers but it will be stricter than that.


For humble it will be easy to go through the discipline of the Lord  but for the proud it will be difficult to go through the discipline of the Lord, that is the main reason the humble be silent and bear it and the proud become angry, always complain about it and also rebel against God.


It is a great privilege for us to share the holiness of God in our life. More we grow in holiness more we can keep devil away from our life and also we can develop a deeper relationship with God which will make us strong, courageous and calm. When we grow  in strength, courage and calmness no matter how big is our battle we will surely win.  



Date: 16: 10: 2020.

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