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Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



The Holy Spirit gives a spiritual understanding of the Word of God to those who read or hear it, according to the dispositions of their hearts. Catechism of the Catholic Church 1101.


We are all reciting prayers everyday and also reading bible and being there for years we fail to understand anything we read or recite. This happens because we are trying to do everything according to our human will and strength.


When we try to understand everything about God through our human intellect and strength we fail to understand because subject of God is beyond our imagination or thinking and that’s why without help of the Holy Spirit no one can understand anything about God.


Holy Spirit is the one who is revealing us the secrets about the kingdom of God and we can do nothing on our own. When Holy Spirit reveals something to us it will be unique and no one in this world can make us understand the truth as Holy Spirit does.


People may reveal us half truth which can destroy our life but in the contrary Holy Spirit will reveal us the complete truth which will not only save our life but also save many people’s life through us.


Let us not depend on people more than Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is our helper who will help us in everything we cannot understand which is happening in our life.


We have to understand who Holy Spirit is?. Holy Spirit is breath of God and that is why anyone blasphemes against Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. We have to have fellowship with the Holy Spirit as we have fellowship with our loved ones so that we may know Him, hear Him and obey Him so that our fellowship with Him will become stronger every day.


Date: 07: 10: 2020.

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