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Sunday, October 25, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



“A wise lover values not so much the gift of the lover as the love of the giver.” ― The Imitation of Christ, By Thomas à Kempis.



In today’s world people go to church especially on Sundays to fulfil their obligation and not because of love. If we are doing everything connected to God because of obligation then surely we will be more interested in receiving from God everything and when it comes to loving God we fall away.



Without having love that is fruit of the Holy Spirit it is not possible for us to love God. We have to analyze our life and see how many dark areas we have overcome. If we have not overcome dark areas in our life after being in prayer then we have to understand that love towards God is not grown in us.


We all can shout at the top our voice “ I love You Lord ”but when it comes to giving up things that displeases God  we ignore  and we think we will give up everything which displeases God automatically because we are  in prayers. Truth is it will never come to us automatically but we have to commit ourselves to the Lord and strive to give up.


When we decide with our own will to live for God on this earth, we will do everything which pleases God not because it is written in His Word but because we love Him. When we were small we loved our parents very much and when we loved them we used to obey them in most of the things in the same way when we love God more than everything we will do everything which will make Him happy and never to make Him sad.


Let us not love only the things which are blessed by God in our life but let us love God who is the giver of all good things. When we love God more than anything we have or anything we are going to have then surely we will decrease in sin and increase in wisdom of God, faith, love, forgiveness, hope, justice, discernment, prudence, knowledge, temperance, fortitude and so on.


Let us make every effort to love God and be united with Him every day so that we may be benefited greatly because of His presence in our life.



Date: 25: 10: 2020.

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