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Friday, October 9, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Because Christ himself is present in the sacrament of the altar, he is to be honoured with the worship of adoration. Catechism of the Catholic Church 1418.


Blessed sacrament is one of the most important help we receive when we are in trouble or when our peace is disturbed or when we are going through hard times or when we are hurt or when we are falsely accused or when we are persecuted  and so on.


Blessed Sacrament is nothing but Jesus is sitting on His throne to listen to us. But the truth is most of the people do not know and they go to the Blessed sacrament and read prayers, say Holy rosary and some just come in and go out. If we are doing all this then the benefits we will be receiving will be few.


For example If we call our parents and tell them that we are coming to meet them and when we meet them instead of talking to them and spending time with them if we do other things which is not important then they might think what is the purpose of our coming to meet them. In the same way when we are visiting Blessed sacrament , if we are just bowing in front of it and look at it and do our own things instead of talking heart to heart with Jesus and tell Him our plans, our concerns, our fear, our problems so that He will hear and provide us with solutions.


Blessed sacrament is the place of silence where people dare to take mobile and some dare to receive the call, If in the blessed sacrament if we had the experience of fear the people went through when God came down on Mount Sinai then surely we would not even dared to take mobile inside there and if we take also we would switch it off.


Blessed Sacrament is the place where we exchange our weakness to His strength, our fear to His courage, our problems to His solutions, our insecurities to his security, our impurity to His purity and so on.


If we identify what we need the most today then surely we can obtain it from Jesus who is waiting for us in the Blessed Sacrament. Let us not take Blessed Sacrament for granted because one’s life can change there for good.


My 38 years of worldly life full of sin experienced total conversion in the Blessed Sacrament within 45 weeks. God’s power is amazing and He is waiting for each one of us in the Blessed Sacrament to share His power, love and mercy so that we may grow in it and after growing share the same with others.


Date: 09: 10: 2020.

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