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Monday, October 12, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



Word of God clearly says in Psalm 119:165 - Great peace have those who love your law nothing can make them stumble.


Peace is one the fruit of the Holy Spirit which cannot be inherited automatically because we are in prayers but we have cultivate it in our life by falling into helpless situation and overcoming it through the Word of God.


People who are built on the Word of God are the only ones who do not waver in faith in times of testing and be at peace. We have to understand that we cannot live in peace when we are not having peace with God and also with others around us.

If we strictly follow the Word of God in our life, no situation in our life can disturb our peace. As long as we are at peace devil cannot deceive us, the moment our peace is disturbed devil will cunningly comes to us through our thoughts and make the small misunderstanding into biggest problem of our life.


If we obey the Word of God in difficult moments then surely we will be growing in peace little by little every day. When we are at peace everyday then surely we can avoid every occasion of stumbling.


Most of us are good in reciting the Word of God and when it comes to obeying we fall back and think it’s not for us. Reciting the Word of God is very easy compared to obeying. That is why we lose our peace in critical situations and fall trap to oppression and depression.

Let us make a strong decision to obey the Word of God in every difficult situation so that we may overcome it and also be at peace or else we will be falling trap to sin every time our peace is disturbed, so let us through the help of the Word of God maintain our peace daily no matter what situation we are going to face.



Date: 12: 10: 2020.

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