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Friday, October 23, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



“All men desire peace, but very few desire those things that make for peace.” ― The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas à Kempis.



We all are living in midst of corrupt world and because of this we cannot live in peace because of the wrong practices we follow in the world. We all want peace but we do not follow everything which will bring peace to us and also to people around us.


If we do not know God and His Word it is next to impossible to practice peace because whenever someone speaks harshly with us, we instead of keeping quiet and bearing it we try to retaliate with them and disturb our peace and live with guilt and sorrow instead of joy.



If we are retaliating to every words spoken by others which we do not like that clearly shows that our flesh is at work. If our Spirit is at work then surely no matter what others speak to us or speak about us with others which is not according to the Word of God, that words will not have any impact on our life.



We have to understand that devil and his companions are the driving force behind everything which disturbs our peace.  We have to focus on the Word of God when people come against us to disturb our peace so that we may cultivate peace which is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. If we are not alert then surely we will get into arguments, fight with the person who has disturbed our peace instead of fighting against the devil with help of the Word of God.


God is always supporting unity among us and in the same way devil wants to divide us. When we live in peace within us and with our neighbours then surely devil and his companions will not have any access to us and also no access to our neighbour.


When we have cultivated peace which is the fruit of Holy Spirit in our life then surely devil and his companions will have no chance to stand against us.


Let us make all effort to grow in peace so that devil and his companions will have no access to our life. Moment our peace is disturbed then surely we will open the door for devil and his companions to enter our life and to steal all our blessings and joy, to kill our character and to destroy every good thing we have been blessed by God.


Date: 23: 10: 2020.

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