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Thursday, October 15, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.


“Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.”--Saint Jerome.


In today’s world people who ignore scriptures are plenty in numbers and that is we find people with selfishness, sin, arrogance, dominance, sickness and problems more in this world. We all read the Word of God daily or sometimes but most of us ignore when it comes to practicing it in our daily life.


Word of God is very powerful and can destroy every stronghold we have, every wrong thinking we have, every sickness we have , every sin we are in, every wrong words we speak and so on.


We have to instead of ignoring the scripture and making our life a mess lets practice the Word of God and make ourselves living example to others around us.


Word of God clearly says heaven and earth will pass away but the Word of God will remain forever. We have to understand the importance of Word of God so that we do ignore it.


We have to clearly know that Word of God is Jesus that is why whenever we ignore the Word of God we ignore Jesus. When we are in the habit of ignoring Jesus then how it is possible for us to face Him on the day of Judgement.


If we do not know Him when we are living on this earth then how it will be possible to know Him after our death.



Let us make effort to know Jesus everyday little by little so that we may know Him, love Him, obey Him and serve Him every day of our life.

Let us not take the Word of God for granted but let us make time to read it every day and also let us practice to obey the Word of God in every situation of our life so that through obeying the Word of God we are obeying Jesus.


Word of God is the complete truth every one of us have to study as we study in school so that we may increase in knowledge of God, sin, devil, judgement and every other things we need to know about our life.



Let us not live in confusion, doubt and fear instead let us clear our confusion through the Word of God and when we obey the Word of God every doubt will flee and when we put our confidence in the Word of God then surely we will be free from fear and increase in faith.


Date: 15: 10: 2020.

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