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Sunday, October 11, 2020

Catholic Spiritual Inspiration Daily – By Rovan Pinto.



“Compromise is a word found only in the vocabulary of those who have no will to fight.” Saint Jose Maria Escriva.


We all pray for different things in our life and when we do not get it for years then we try to compromise with our dreams and settle for small things.


When we do not have big goals it is not possible for God to intervene in our life and build us to the extent that the entire world will come to know about us.


We are all praying to God regarding material things and wasting our time. Material things which we require to live a Godly life is already given to us through the knowledge we receive from the Word of God , when we are not reading the Word of God daily and do things as we want in our life then surely we will be going through lack in many areas of our life.


When we are in prayers we have to ask God things which will make us unique. People ask God for Money, job, life partner, children and other things of the world but most of us  forget to ask God Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, faith, fear of God, holiness and so on.


If we ask only material things then surely our mind will be filled with it most of the time and because of that our soul wants more and more because we are not satisfied with what we have.


We should never compromise and settle with our sickness when God can heal us, we should not compromise with our plans to do good when God is able provide us opportunities, we should not settle for small when God can give us big, We should not think small when God has big plans for us.


Let us understand that we have to fight the devil and his companions very hard and snatch from their hands our blessings or else they will snatch us from our hand.  Let us not compromise and live defeated lives instead let us learn to fight the devil and His companions with the Word of God so that they do not stand a chance against us.



Date: 11: 10: 2020.

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