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Tuesday, December 31, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 1CORINTHIANS 15:55 - “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?”

Death is the only thing no person can avoid or delay or escape.

Death comes to infant or child or youth or old without asking as a thief. Death comes to rich and the poor ,Death comes to sick as well as healthy.

The question we Have to ask ourselves is whether we are prepared for it. We have to understand that death will not come to us when we want but it comes to us suddenly.

Many of us are so busy in the world one day suddenly death will surprise them. Whatever Position or fame or power they have will not benefit them on the day of their death, they have to leave everything behind and go to the grave.

Let us understand that we have brought nothing when we came into this world and we are going to take nothing with us when we die. Whatever good we do in this world will be remembered by others even after our death.

Let us live everyday thinking that today is the last day for us on this earth and if we get up next day let us thank God for giving us one more day.

Date: 31:12: 2019.

Monday, December 30, 2019


Those who are with us today may be against us tomorrow, and vice versa, for men change with the wind. Place all your trust in God; let Him be your fear and your love. He will answer for you; He will do what is best for you.-- IMITATION OF CHRIST.

In today's world if we believe people by looking at their outward appearance we will be decieved. People who act like lamb today to reap benefits from us can become ferocious wolf when they turn against us tomorrow.

When we believe God more than people our life will be filled with joy, peace and love in the same way if we believe people more than God then initially everything looks very pleasant but later our life will be full of emptiness and brokenness.

Let us be alert with people who want to know about our personal information so that we may not share with them everything about our life and create a topic of gossip for them.

People who are for us today only because they want something from us and once they get whatever they want from us then it will not take much time for them to turn against us and also spoil our name in the community.

Many a times we get deceived by making friends very fast because of meeting inside the church and within no time we share our secrets with them thinking they are going to be of help for us but the truth is more we share our information more they want know about us. 
Everyone who is coming to church must pray and mind their own business instead of minding other people's business and trying to get into others people's affairs.

Let us not believe people by looking at their innocent face or their innocent talks or their fake outwardly appearance but let us believe them by the fruits of the Holy Spirit they are possessing.

God is the only one who will be with us in our good times as well as our bad times. Let us share our secrets only with God and not with all people but only those who are having fear of the Lord, having Wisdom of God and having fruits of the Holy Spirit.

Date: 30: 12: 2019.

Sunday, December 29, 2019


Word of God clearly says in JOHN 20: 21-23- Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”

In today's world many of our Catholic brethren are influenced by other denominations of Christians and have come to conclusion that we can confess our sins directly to God.

We have to understand that it is Jesus who gave His authority to apostles to forgive our sins. Initially it was given to all the apostles and from the apostles the same authority was passed on to pope and from pope to cardinals and from cardinals to Bishop and from bishop to the priest.

Our church is following the apostolic tradition from the beginning till now and all the Catholics are under 1 pope from past 2000 years unlike other denominations started with 1 denomination with  1 leader  in 1517  and today because of disagreement and arguments they are divided into more than 30,000+ denominations with 30000+ leaders in exactly 502 years.

Most of the other denominations leaders are well versed with the scriptures but they teach the congregation more about money, healing and deliverance and all other truths which people have to know will be kept hidden. 

When Jesus Himself has commissioned confession to apostles and throughout the years it is passed on to pope to the priest then we cannot question but we have to just follow it. 

Let us practice going for confession once in at least 2 months and let us not wait for Easter and Christmas.

Date: 29: 12: 2019.

Saturday, December 28, 2019


Word of God clearly says in PROVERBS 28:13- No one who conceals transgressions will prosper, but one who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.

According to the Word of God anyone who hides his sin will never prosper either spiritually or physically. Most of us think that we can commit sins keep it hiding. We may be successful sometimes hiding from people but we cannot hide from God.

In book of SIRACH 23:19 it clearly says God's eyes are 10000 times brighter than the sun and He looks upon every behavior of ours as well as He will search the depths of our heart.

When we cannot hide our sin from God it is better to go for confession and confess it to the priest and also we have to make a plan to give up sin.

If we do not give up sins it clearly shows that we are not ready to listen to God because of our hard heartedness. If we are hard hearted we are going to fall into calamities.

God is more interested to save our soul than doing any other things in our life. But we ask Lord big list of things but God asks from us only one thing that is CONVERSION OF OUR SOUL.

Most of our brothers and sisters accept that they are weak when God has made them strong and because of accepting they are weak they do not even try to give up sin and make sin friend of their life.

Let us try our level best to avoid occasion of falling into sin and after trying if we fall also let us not stay there for long but we need to rise up quickly and keep on trying to give up sin till we succeed.

Date: 28: 12: 2019.

Friday, December 27, 2019


Word of God clearly says in AMOS 3:7- Surely the Lord God does nothing, without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.

God has created each and every one of us for a purpose according to the plan He has for us. 

Problem with us is we forget about God and start chasing our dreams and desire. By chasing our dreams and desire we will not be satisfied with what we want and always fall short of it.

We are called priest, king and prophet when we are baptised but the question we need to ask ourself is whether we are behaving like priest, king and prophet. 

Priest resembles holiness. King resembles wisdom and prophet resembles servant of God. 

God always speaks to us directly if we are His servants or He will speak through His servants to us about the things He is going to do in our life.

God sometimes speak to our heart and give us instruction to change if we are occupied with other things then surely He will make a way to meet His Prophet so that to tell us everything God wanted to tell us directly.

God is always good and merciful that doesn't give us license to do anything we want and take His goodness and mercy for granted. 

Let us grow everyday in the Word of God and become servants of God instead of growing in desires of the world and pleasures of the flesh and become slaves of the devil.

Date: 27:12:2019.

Thursday, December 26, 2019


Word of God clearly says in PHILIPPIANS 4:7- the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Peace of God in our lives will give us victory over difficult and also impossible situations.

 Peace of God cannot be cultivated in our life when we are living with fear, Worry, confusion. Peace of God can be cultivated in our life when we are having faith, confidence and patience.

To obtain peace of God we first have make peace with God that is we have to go for regular confession and secondly we have to make peace with all our brothers and sisters. Without doing both we cannot live in peace.

Jesus has promised us peace which the world cannot give but most of us when we are disturbed instead of going to Jesus we run to alcohol, sex, parties, movies, beach and other entertainment to find peace but the truth is all this will give us peace for that moment but the situation which has disturbed our peace stands the same.

We cannot avoid problems or run away from problems but we have to speak to the problem and overcome it.

People who are having confidence in the world will lose peace easily when small situation goes wrong but people who are having confidence in the Word of God will remain in peace in midst of every situation small, big and also impossible.

Peace is a fruit of Holy Spirit we have to cultivate in our life by fighting every battle courageously, initially we may lose some battle to the devil but if we Do not quit and move forward with the Word of God surely we will learn to win the battle.

Winning the battle will boost our confidence in the Word of God, our confidence in the Word of God will help us to live with peace of God and by  living with peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard our heart and mind in Jesus Christ.

Date: 26:12: 2019.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019


Word of God clearly says in MATTHEW 1:23- Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel,” which means, “God is with us.” 

As we are celebrating CHRISTMAS today ,We are welcoming Jesus to be born in our heart. In most of the families Christmas is only a feast of wishing each other, drinking, food, parties etc and most of us miss the essence of CHRISTMAS that is CHRIST is the center of our celebration.

Without Christ as center there is no Christmas. Many of our brothers and sisters go to that extent and remove Christ from Christmas and send XMAS greetings to one another.

Today EMMANUEL is born in our heart that is GOD IS WITH US. When God is with us we will be living a life of abundance.

Jesus is the only reason for our celebration. Let us celebrate CHRISTMAS with prayer and keeping in mind that Without Christ there is no Christmas.

On Christmas day Jesus came into this world to save us from the slavery of sin and curse. When we celebrate Christmas let us also become blessing in someone's life so that they may also celebrate Christmas.

Date: 25:12:2019.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 1 TIMOTHY 6: 10- For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, and in their eagerness to be rich some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pains.

Word of God says Money is the root of all evil. This doesn't mean we should not have money but it means we have to be satisfied with what we have.

Most of us are not satisfied with what money we have but want more to satisfy our wants.

Our list of wants are endless and that is why Most of us have gone chasing behind the money and because of this most of them have pierced themselves with problems or sickness.

We are going to be blessed by God with everything we need and not everything we want. Our needs are very few but our wants are more. More we go behind satisfying our wants we will surely become greedy.

After falling trap to problems or sickness most of them  slowly loose everything they have gathered by going behind it day and night.

It is better to be satisfied with what we have rather than chasing what we do not have.

Date: 24:12:2019.

Monday, December 23, 2019


Word of God clearly says in MATTHEW 6:33- But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Jesus clearly says that we have to strive hard for His Kingdom and His Righteousness, but most of us busy in this world either accumulating wealth or praying for lost wealth and health.

Kingdom of God stands on one word that is LOVE. To know the meaning of LOVE we have to study the Word of God because in the world everyone thinks greeting each other is love but according to the Word of God greeting each other is not love but affection. Word of God is very essential to be in the kingdom of God daily.

Kingdom of God will not come to us automatically because we are going to church but it is our work to find it by digging into the Word of God. When we find the kingdom of God only it is possible for us to grow in righteousness of God.

If we have to be in kingdom of God we have to firstly repent for our sins and secondly we have to work hard towards studying and obeying the Word of God.

Righteousness is nothing but doing right according to the Word of God and stop doing everything according to the world and according to the desires of our flesh. If we do not know the Word of God thoroughly then surely we will not know right and wrong.

When we work hard everyday for kingdom of God and also for righteousness of God then surely whatever we need will be provided to us by God.

When we are with God everyday we will lack nothing in our life. God is with us always no matter how we live but we have to try our best to be with God everyday.

God is faithful to His Word but we have to remain faithful to the Lord and His Word under every circumstances.

Date: 23:12: 2019.

Sunday, December 22, 2019


Word of God clearly says in ISAIAH 55:9- For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

When everything is going according to our plan we will be happy and when everything is going against our plan we get worried, fearful,confused and anxious.

The main reason for our worry, fear, confusion and anxiety is because of not believing in God in every circumstances.

 When we have easy situation it is easy to believe God and when situation becomes harder it will be difficult to believe God for only for those who do not know Word of God thoroughly.

God has clearly said in His Word that His thoughts, plan and purpose for our life is higher than our thoughts, plan and purpose. Our plans is like a swimming pool but God's plan for us is like sea.

We have to understand when our plan fails 
,God is blessing us with something greater which we can never think or imagine.

We have to give up small plans for our life and accept God's plan for which we may have to wait patiently but surely His plan will be implemented in our life one fine day.

Date: 22:12:2019.

Saturday, December 21, 2019


“Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts.”- SAINT MOTHER TERESA OF CALCUTTA.

In today's generation people come to prayer only to satisfy their Selfish benefits. This we can find out very easily by counting people coming for weekly adoration and weekly novenas.
People who come for weekly novenas are more than those who come for adoration.

This clearly proves that we are asking more and listening less. When we are asking Lord something and when Lord provides we become greedy for more.

In today's world we find preaching on money and health in most of the ministry and that is the only thing people want to hear. They are ready to give up moral values to be rich or healthy.

When we pray it is like telling God every day " I SURRENDER MYSELF TO YOU, DO WITH MY LIFE AS PER YOUR WILL". When we offer ourselves to God in prayer He will do everything according to His Purpose and plan but only thing we have to have is Trust in Him.

When we are growing in prayer we have to be in silence for few minutes in a day and listen to the voice of God. When we listen to the voice of God we have to obey immediately without questioning or reasoning to hear more from Him.

As we listen to His voice and obey we will grow in courage and confidence in Him and no matter what situation we face in our life we will have no fear because God is with us all the time.

Let us learn to depend on God and learn from Him the whole truth which will be of great help in our spiritual journey.

Date: 21:12: 2019.

Friday, December 20, 2019


Word of God clearly says in HEBREWS 10:39- But we are not among those who shrink back and so are lost, but among those who have faith and so are saved.

We are introduced to the Lord one or the other time in our life but after being introduced to the Lord whether we take our prayer life seriously as few do or take it for granted as most of the people do.

If we take our prayer life for granted then surely after few years of being in prayer we get busy with our old life of sin and be lost. When we are walking in this path we are in serious danger of walking with devil to the end destination that is hell.

If we take prayer life seriously we are going to identify all the mistakes we are doing and we will be able to rectify it every day till the end of our life and be saved one day.

There is nothing we can do to be saved but by partnering with God and His Word it is possible.

Our journey in spiritual life it doesn't matter how we start but all it matters how it ends,because there is no reward for those who start well but the reward is only for those who end well.

We have so many saints who have started badly but by partnering with God and His Word they ended well thus become saints.

Date: 20: 12: 2019.

Thursday, December 19, 2019


Word of God clearly says in 2 THESSALONIANS 3:5- May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ.

We are all in prayers but the question we need to ask ourselves is who is directing our heart.

If our heart is directed by our soul then definitely our life will be full of mess and also to fulfill it we will go to the extent of destroying others life.

Everyone thinks it's okay to live according to the world but starting point of living according to the world may look good from the outside but the end point is dreadful. When we live according to the world our conscience will be corrupt and because of this we are able to do bad to others even after going to church regularly.

If our heart is directed by God then surely we will be lead towards HIS Love and also to stand firm in every situation like Jesus when on earth.

When we are filled with the love of God every day one fine day we will be having perfect love of God in our heart. When we have perfect love of God in our life we will be having no fear. 

When we stand firm on the Word of God in every situation no matter how big is our situation it has to move from our life and once this happens then our confidence in the Word of God will grow.

Let us give our heart completely to God so that He may plant everything which is of His kingdom and uproot everything which is of enemy's kingdom.

Date:19:12: 2019.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019


My children, that mother of mercy says to us, my poor afflicted children, have recourse to me, and in me you shall find all hope: my Son denies me nothing. You were dead by sin; come to me,find me and you shall find life the life of Divine Grace, which I shall recover for you by my intercession-- CALAMITIES, CHASTISEMENT, AND LOVE OF GOD by SAINT ALPHONSUS LIGUORI.

We as Catholics are privileged to have a Mother who is always praying for us but the question we need to ask ourselves is how many of us after being Catholic recite Holy Rosary with devotion in our house. We Catholics because of not reciting Rosary as a family prayer most of the family is broken, divided and having disagreement among them.

We should understand that Jesus did His first miracle at wedding at Cana through the intercession of Mother Mary in the same way we can receive great miracles in our life through the intercession of Mother Mary.

Many Catholics because of the influence of other denominations  they think Mother Mary is a ordinary woman like others but the truth is in the History of mankind from Adam till date there were only 2 people who did not commit sin from their birth till death. One is Jesus and other one is Mother Mary.

When we are struggling with sin, addictions and vices it is possible to overcome it with the help of Holy Rosary. That is why quote of saint says " YOU WILL EITHER GIVE UP SINS OR YOU WILL GIVE UP PRAYING HOLY ROSARY."

We have to understand that Mother Mary is FULL OF GRACE, She Is BLESSED AMONG ALL WOMAN and also She is MOTHER OF GOD. These 3 titles will be Mother Mary's forever.

When our children ask us again and again for something they like, we go out of the way and buy to make them happy in the same way when we ask Mother Mary anything She asks Jesus and gets for us.

Many of our brothers and sisters who are belonging to other denominations always ask questions regarding why we have to pray ROSARY and where it is written in the Bible. We need to answer them that Holy Rosary was born 300+ years before any other denominations was born and secondly their churches are named after  HOLY TRINITY so we need to ask them where it is written in the Bible. If we answer a question with question like Jesus they will never dare to ask more questions with us.

Date: 18:12: 2019.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Word of God clearly says in ROMANS 14:8- If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord; so then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s. 

In today's world the most important question we need to ask ourselves is whether we are living to fulfill our selfish desires or are we living everyday for the Lord.

If we are living for ourself slowly we are going to go astray and by going astray we will be walking in the path of destruction happily till we come to the fearful end that is hell.

If we are living for the Lord then we have to seek everything which belongs to the Lord. Our first priority should be Lord no matter what is coming in between.

 Without having faith and also learning the word of God daily we can be with the Lord for certain period of time but surely not till the end.

Many of our preachers are telling that ONCE WE ARE SAVED WE ARE ALWAYS SAVED.
This is one of the greatest lies which has taken many of them to journey to hell.

We are going to be saved by the Lord one or the other point in our life but we have live a disciplined life to move forward with faith and courage and also we have to develop the mind of Jesus of doing good to others.

If we deviate from our life of faith then surely we will be growing in life of sin. When we are in life of sin we think about ourself more than God.

This words Jesus spoke to saint Paul who was preaching the Gospel and He never spoke the same with others who were not in fellowship with Him. Jesus could have spoken the same words to Herod or High priest but He did not. Just do not live a loose life by thinking His Grace is enough. If His Grace was enough when we  live however we want then what is the reason behind many souls which are going to hell

Are we ready to give our life to Jesus and live for HIM when we live on this earth so that when we die we may be with HIM forever.

Date: 17:12:2019.

Monday, December 16, 2019


Word of God clearly says in MATTHEW 12:33-- “Either make the tree good, and its fruit good; or make the tree bad, and its fruit bad; for the tree is known by its fruit.

In today's world most of the people know people by their gifts and not fruits. When we know and believe others by the gifts they possess we might get deceived.

We have to understand the difference between gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. Gifts are given by God to a person when he repents and that person can every day use the gifts for building others thus can become very powerful in few years but there can be possibility that the same person may not be growing in fruits of the Holy Spirit in the same way he has grown in gifts.

God gives gifts freely to every one who repents that doesn't mean we can live however we want and speak whatever we want. God is clearly giving us instruction that we have know people by fruits only because fruits are not going to come in our life as easy as gifts and we have to work and cultivate it in our life.

If we are bearing fruits of the Holy Spirit then surely everyone will come to know. We have to cultivate fruits of the Holy Spirit in our life as these fruits will make us unique.

By living in flesh we cannot cultivate fruits of the Holy Spirit and by living in Spirit we cannot cultivate fruits of the Spirit. When we are growing in prayer we need to get rid of all the fruits of the flesh we have with help of God or else we will be unable to cultivate the Fruits of Holy Spirit and become good tree bearing good fruit.

Date: 16:12: 2019.

Sunday, December 15, 2019


Word of God clearly says in BARUCH 3:2- Hear, O Lord, and have mercy, for we have sinned before you. 

We all who are living in the world are sinners and we need 3 things from the Lord to change ourself from sinners to Holy.

Firstly we require forgiveness for all the sins we have committed from childhood till now. We have to understand that forgiveness is given to us only when we meet the condition put by the Lord in His Word. (read Matthew 6:12) . Only when we forgive others for whatever big or small they have done in our life we will be surely forgiven by God when we go for confession.

Secondly we need mercy and love of God to repent from all our sins. Repentance cannot be done for a certain period of time and then we can stop it by thinking that we have completed it but it is a life long process to keep us alert and create awareness inside us against every sin big or small.

Thirdly we need Grace from the Lord to live a Holy life. Only when we repent we will be able to live a Holy life which attracts God towards us. When we walk in the path of holiness there are lots of sacrifice involved especially the things that are unclean. Everyone who walks in the path of holiness will be leading a life of simplicity.

Without receiving these three things from the Lord no matter where we go or whom we meet still we will live as sinners till the end of our life.

Date: 15:12: 2019.