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Tuesday, June 30, 2020


Word of God clearly says in Proverbs 17:5 -- Those who mock the poor insult their Maker; those who are glad at calamity will not go unpunished.
We all are living in the world with people around us who are very rich, rich, self sufficient and poor.

God has created rich and poor for a definite purpose and plan. God’s plan was to make rich to share their excess with the poor so that through sharing love will grow.

Truth is the very rich and rich category people most of them are selfish and misers. That’s why we see poor people are becoming poorer and the rich are becoming richer.

Today we see differences between rich and poor even inside the churches. It’s very hard to see all this when we are in prayers but nobody is ready to step up to change it.

We have to thank God that He will never discriminate between rich and poor on the day of judgement. On the day of Judgement president of a country and the poor man will stand next to each other.

Today we see rich people abusing the poor and also insulting them instead of giving small of what they have to make them happy. Those who insult the poor insult the creator.
When we are going through problems many will come and make fun of us and become happy, when they do this they have to understand that their punishment is near. It is better for us to help someone who is suffering so that we may be blessed instead of being happy at their downfall and get punished by God.

Let us not think when we are rich that we will never become poor because anytime in our life one wrong decision can lead us to poverty. If we are rich then let us give small portion to those who are suffering, under privileged and poor so that we may grow in kindness and love.

Date: -- 30:06:2020.

Monday, June 29, 2020


Word of God clearly says in Proverbs 18:21 -- Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.

Death and life are in the power of our tongue that’s why we have to be careful before we open our mouth and speak something.

We all have to go through hard times in our life in one or the other point in our life, when we are going through hard times we have to be extra careful because speaking about our hard times with others who are worldly will not solve our problems but will make it worse.

We have to learn to speak Word of God when we are going through hard times because Word of God has power built within to make us overcome hard times.

When we are going through hard times or simple problem instead of running to God we run to people and make our problems which are in secret exposed to public, by doing this we have to face the harsh words, rash judgement and also lengthy advice from the people.

God is the only one who can solve our problems and He solves our problems through His Word. We have to learn the Word of God so that we may not fall to the traps devil will set in front of us. When we start reciting Word of God today miracle sometimes will happen in a day, sometimes in a week, sometimes in a month and sometimes in a year. We have to be ready for all these and never quit reciting Word of God till we receive what we are praying for.

We have to understand that whatever we sow we will reap; we cannot speak about our problems with others and expect solutions from God. If we want solutions from God to the problems we are going through then we have to put our heart and mind in the Word of God which will surely solve our problems.

Many of us are trained by the worldly traditions to speak exactly what is happening in our life but when we come to God in prayers we have to stop talking about the wrongs which is going on in our life and start speaking the Word of God with ourselves and also with others around us and also live as nothing is gone wrong in our life so that final victory is ours.

Let us make our best effort to speak life when we see deathlike situation in our life. God will surely intervene in our problems and will give us the best solution which we have never thought in our mind. Let us discipline our tongue to speak Word of God instead of speaking things which are unprofitable.

Date: --29:06:2020.

Sunday, June 28, 2020


Satan or the devil and the other demons are fallen angels who have freely refused to serve God and his plan. Their choice against God is definitive. They try to associate man in their revolt against God. Catechism of the Catholic Church 414.

Satan or the devil were good angels in the service of God and because of their pride and rebellion they were cast out of heaven to the earth and that’s why they are called fallen angels.

All the fallen angels will gather with them people all around the world who speak against God, rebel against God, people who desire evil, people with unbelief, doubt and fear so that devil can form a army against God.

That’s why in today’s world people choose to follow devil are more in numbers than the people who follow God truly. Today’s generation are in two minds and that’s why devil has the upper hand. First mind says that they want God and the second mind says that they want only material things from God.

When people seek only material things from God He will give but after getting it their sin life will become double and because of this they set themselves on the road of destruction. When they walk on this road for some God will display His saving power in the beginning and for some in the middle and for some in the end.

The people who are saved in the beginning or in the middle of their battle will not understand the power of God and they will follow devil and his ways after sometime but the people who are saved at the end of their battle will understand the power of God because of the pain involved in it and try their best to give up their old ways.

Following devil is very easy because of all the lies and deceit involved in it. Most of us know that putting hand in the fire will burn our hand still we because of truth hidden from us by the devil we walk towards the fire and the moment we are pushed inside the fire then only we understand the pain. God wants to save everyone from the eternal fire but the truth is He cannot save anyone without co-operating with Him because everyone has been given freewill.

Date: -- 28:06:2020.

Saturday, June 27, 2020


Patience is the companion of wisdom. –St. Augustine

Patience is one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit, patience will not come automatically because we are in prayer but we have to work for it.

We all go to market to buy essential things everyday and we all have brought fruits from there. For example if we buy one apple from the market and keep it at home for days or weeks or months it will not become 2.

In the same way the fruit of the Holy Spirit starts from 0% and as we go through tests from God and pass the test then the percentage will increase day by day or else we will become impatient, when we become impatient it will be difficult for God to work great things in our life.

Impatience in the companion of foolishness and patience is the companion of Wisdom. This clearly states that we may lack patience if we have faith but when we have Wisdom of God then we will be having patience.

Person with impatience will always have insecurities, sorrows and worry in their mind because they think God has forsaken them or abandoned them but the truth is God is busy teaching them to be patient.

When we are going through trials, persecution, misfortunes, failures, disappointments and partiality, we have to be patient and keep our focus on God and His Word or else devil and his companions will take control of our lives and make us their slaves.

For a person with impatience every simple problem is like a big mountain and for a person with patience every impossible situation is like Small Mountain because both look at problems differently. People with impatience live by sight that’s why they feel that everything is finished and there is no way ahead and people with patience feel that everything which is going on is temporary and it will move anytime from their life.

Today in midst of crisis we are seeing up rise in suicides with celebrities and business related people because of their impatience. We have to understand that the measure of suffering we go through in this life is not going to equal the Glory of God which will be revealed to us.

No matter what problem we are in let us be patient so that God will work something great out of it. Let us read Word of God daily so that our hope increases and when our hope increases then patience also increases and we will be able to wait for the Lord for His solutions to our problem. God will delay but will never deny unless it is not according to His purpose and according to His plan.

Date: --27:06: 2020.

Friday, June 26, 2020


Word of God clearly says in Hebrews 13:6 -- So we can say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can anyone do to me?”

We all have fear of situations or people coming against us only because we do not seek the help of the Lord. We have to understand that every situation or people coming against us can turn into lesson or blessing.

We have to understand without asking Lords help it is impossible to overcome situation or people coming against us. Lord is the only strength in midst of all we are going through. Without God’s help we will surely fall into fear, worry, stress, oppression and depression which will end in suicide which is cowardly act. We all may think we are strong but the moment the situation or people come against us our strength fades and we will become weak and only think of giving up instead of fighting with the help of God.

If God has allowed a situation or people in our life for us to learn lesson out of it then we have to quickly learn the lesson or else that particular situation or people will not go away from us and when that situation or those people stay with us for long time we will get angry, irritated and rebellious instead of learning the lesson from it and overcome the situation and also people.

If God has allowed a situation or people in our life to bring us blessing then we have to be sure that devil will try his level best to destroy the blessing. If we are alert and be calm then surely the blessing is ours. We should not fear the devil because he is the defeated enemy. Jesus defeated the devil when He went through persecution, suffering and death on the cross without committing a sin and He went through all of this to redeem us from the slavery of sin.

Today people who are reciting God’s Word in midst of trouble have become rare and because of that most of us live in fear instead of faith. Lord has put all His power in His Word and without speaking His Word we cannot experience His power and strength in our urgent need.

 God has allowed a particular situation or person to come against us because through that He can uproot all our fears. Fear always makes us take rash decision. When we take rash decision because of fear we will make our situation worst instead of making it better. When we are in the fellowship with God’s Word our confidence will grow and along with that courage also will grow. We have to understand when God is with us no situation or people can stand against us all the days of our life.

Date: --26:06:2020.

Thursday, June 25, 2020


"The Rosary is the 'weapon' for these times."--Saint Padre Pio.

Holy Rosary is the most powerful prayer we have. After being Catholics many of us do not pray daily at our homes.

Most of us wear Rosary beads on our neck just to show others that we are namesake Catholics and many others display their Rosary in their cars so that others can see and recognize that we are Catholics.

We instead of wearing the Holy Rosary around our neck or displaying in the car let us make effort to pray at least one mystery every day. Whenever we pray Rosary we will be in peace no matter what problem befalls us.
We have to understand that Holy Rosary is  not just any other prayer but it was the prayer revealed by Mother Mary to Saint Dominic in 1214AD before 303 years when Protestantism started by martin Luther in Germany in 1517 AD.

Many denominations preach against Holy Rosary just to fill in new members to their group. If Holy Rosary is recited from 806 years by Catholics then surely there should be some significance about that prayer or else people would have changed it after 10 or 100 years. Let us not listen to the lies of people belonging to other denomination and stop reciting Holy Rosary.

Holy Rosary is the biggest weapon to defeat the schemes of the devil. Devil does not like us recite Hail Mary full of Grace. It is one of a kind prayer and we are blessed to be Catholics so that we can recite it daily with devotion.
There are 15 promises of Holy Rosary. We after being Catholics if we do not   know then we may not say Holy Rosary with devotion.
The 15 promises (Given to St. Dominic and Blessed Alan de la Roche)
1.   Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall receive powerful graces.

2.   I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the Rosary.

3.   The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against hell, it will destroy vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies.
4.   It will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the hearts of people from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.

5.   The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall not perish.

6.   Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying himself to the consideration of its Sacred Mysteries shall never be conquered by misfortune. God will not chastise him in His justice, he shall not perish by an unprovided death; if he be just, he shall remain in the grace of God, and become worthy of eternal life.

7.   Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die without the Sacraments of the Church.

8.   Those who are faithful to recite the Rosary shall have during their life and at their death the light of God and the plentitude of His graces; at the moment of death they shall participate in the merits of the Saints in Paradise.

9.   I shall deliver from purgatory those who have been devoted to the Rosary.

10.               The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in Heaven.

11.               You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the Rosary.

12.               All those who propagate the Holy Rosary shall be aided by me in their necessities.

13.               I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the Rosary shall have for intercessors the entire celestial court during their life and at the hour of death.

14.               All who recite the Rosary are my children, and brothers and sisters of my only Son, Jesus Christ.

15.               Devotion of my Rosary is a great sign of predestination

Date: --25: 06: 2020.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Word of God clearly says in Acts 17:30-- While God has overlooked the times of human ignorance, now he commands all people everywhere to repent,

Today we are in midst of uncertain situations which will bring worry about our future but we have to understand that we are all responsible in one or the other to bring this pandemic on ourselves. Many of us may think why God is quiet in midst of it. God is quiet because He is waits to see what people will do on their own without His help  as they were living before the crisis hit the world.
Most of the people still have not come to terms with God but trying to beat around the bush for answers. Answers cannot come from scientist or doctor or any researchers unless God puts in their mind.

In the past before the crisis began God overlooked our sins and because of this we started committing more sins and because of this pandemic has struck us and now God is commanding everyone to repent and come back to Him.

But the truth is people after 4 months still busy with making jokes about pandemic, criticizing the governments and involving themselves in many other useless things. It is better for us to repent when we are given second chance by God instead of perishing. God loves everyone unconditionally that doesn’t give us a licence to abuse His friendship and violating His laws.
When we violate law in the world we will be punished either by police or by the court but how much more dreadful punishment we may have to face for violating God’s law.

Let us turn our face to God and change our life instead of turning our back to God and our face to sin so that devil will steal our Joy and peace, kill our character and destroy our material things blessed by God.

Date: --24:06:2020.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020


 Angels are spiritual creatures who glorify God without ceasing and who serve his saving plans for other creatures: "The angels work together for the benefit of us all" Catechism of the Catholic Church 350.

Angels are spiritual creatures created by God when He created heavens. Angels always listen to the voice of God and does everything He commands them. God has destined angels to help humankind when they are distressed or disturbed or depressed.

Truth is most of us do not even have the slightest idea about angels because most of us do not want to know. God has not predestined any soul to hell but because of our ignorance or because of our stubbornness or because of our pride and ego we choose to go to hell ourselves.

God cannot stop anyone who wants to go to hell because He respects our freewill. God tries His level best to bring back every soul back that why He sends angels on a mission to save us.

Angels will be hidden from our eyes because most of us are spiritually blind like In the olden day’s prophet Elisha’s servant Gehazi was spiritually blind and because of that he could see the big army of Assyria surrounding them but when Elisha prayed to God to open His spiritual eyes then He could see army of God bigger in numbers. Only when our spiritual eyes are opened we can see angels clearly as Mother Mary, Jesus, Zechariah saw.

Every one of us has been given Guardian angel so that we can be enlightened by them when we are in confusion, we can be protected by them when we are in serious danger, and we can get answers for something we are praying for.

Most of us live like we are alone by ourselves and do not even understand that God has given Guardian angels for everyone. If 7.7 billion people would have asked help from their respective Guardian angels then I think there was no chance for devil to enter anyone’s life.

Let us ask help of angels and also our guardian angel when we are broken or sad or oppressed or tempted or inclined towards evil so that we may receive timely help and freed from it or else we will be in danger of committing great sin and also sometimes because of being careless our life may end in suicide.

Date: -- 23:06:2020

Monday, June 22, 2020


It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels. -Saint Augustine

Lucifer and his companions were beautiful angels who were in charge of music ministry in heaven and they rebelled against God because of their pride and all were cast out of heaven to earth that’s why they are called fallen angels who roam around the world telling lies, deceiving and suggesting people wrong words to speak and wrong thing to do so that they may drag that soul to hell.

This is the main reason people in today’s world are inclined towards evil more than good. Devil and his companions main aim is to spread lies and make people believe in lies like truth so that it will become part of their life. Devil also makes many to be proud of themselves by either highlighting their success or qualification so that they themselves may fall after sometime.

Without God choosing to send His chosen ones in those who are living with lies and deceit of the devil they will not know the truth which will set them free.  In today’s world even if God send His chosen ones still very small percentage of people will accept and rest reject and walk away.

When we are in the fellowship with God and His Word the first thing we have to learn is to be humble, without being humble it is not possible for God to teach us new things. When we are humble then we will become like angels who are powerful. God wants to teach us everyday new things if we are ready to learn but the truth is most of us after attending 7 day retreat or being part of prayer group for few months we think we know everything and fall into pride which will connect us to the devil rather than God because God’s word says in book of James that God opposes the proud and gives Grace to the humble.

Let us make decision to ask God help to fight against pride so that we may grow into humility so that we may grow strong in faith, courage, Holiness and righteousness

Date: --22:06: 2020.

Sunday, June 21, 2020


Word of God clearly says in 1 Corinthians 1:18 -- For the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

In today’s world people understand message of cross in a wrong way that is why most of the people when trouble strikes instead of fighting it they choose to commit suicide.

Many people because of wealth they have conceived in their mind that Jesus sacrifice means nothing to them and this happens because they have set themselves on the road of hell.

Today we see many people suffering around us and we instead of being a help to them we choose to stay away from them and when that same suffering strikes us we start complaining about it.

We have to understand the meaning of cross without that our life will be incomplete. Cross has two angles coming out of it one is vertical and the other is horizontal.

Vertical stands for everything we have to receive from God and without receiving the other angle will not work and will not make a perfect cross. When we receive comfort, counsel, strength in midst of our suffering through the vertical cross then only we can share the same with our brothers and sisters through horizontal.

Without vertical and horizontal put together it will not make a cross but a single piece of wood which has no significance. We all have at least one cross in our houses and without understanding the meaning of the cross we just look at it and pray selfishly all our life.

Cross will never lead us to selfishness but to selflessness. Jesus died on the cross for us in the same way are we ready to do some sacrifice in our life to save broken souls. When cross is light it is easy to bear but when it is heavy we will think of giving up and also ending our life as it is very difficult.

If we think we are saved then we have to bear all our cross with joy which will definitely honour the sacrifice of Jesus and also obey the words of Jesus (Luke 9:23)which says Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.

Date: --21:06:2020.

Saturday, June 20, 2020


“Let temporal things be in the use, eternal things in the desire.”
The Imitation of Christ, By Thomas A Kempis.

In today’s modern world people are habited to chase after temporal things which will keep them occupied all their life to get more of it. We have to understand that world where we live is temporary for certain destined years which will open up doors to live eternally with God.

If we live in this world chasing temporal things then it is next to impossible to live with God eternally. We have put our time everyday to know more about God so that we may prepare ourselves to live with Him after our death.

In this world where we live when we are walking on the road if we just smile at the person passing by us he will not invite us to his house unless he knows us well in the same way if we just visit the church we will not be welcome to our eternal home but we have to know God personally. In today’s world people who come to church are many but the people who know God personally are very few in numbers.

When we are living in this world and work for temporal things, we should always keep in mind that our final goal as eternal life. We have to work well when we are living so that we may enjoy eternally with God forever.

We can make out that people of this generation are more interested in temporal things  that’s why they are happy when there is increase in it and sad when it is decreasing. When it comes to people who desire eternal life with God will be happy with what they have and always give praise to God in every situation.

Without having desire to live with God eternally we will not have any interest to know more about Him. If we do not have desire to live with God eternally then let us understand that we have to either live in the fire of purgatory temporally or live in the fire of hell eternally. We cannot live in deceit but work hard to reach to our final destination we have chosen.

Date: 20:06: 2020.

Friday, June 19, 2020


Word of God clearly says in John 14:15 -- If you love me, you will keep my commandments.

We all go to church regularly and some in addition to this they go to prayer groups or retreats and also pray in their homes. We have to examine our life and see whether all this has benefited us. If not there is seriously something wrong within us.

The wrong within us can be sin or addiction or vices or bad habits or any other reason. When we love all these in our life then it will be next to impossible to love the Lord.

Most of us because of the influence of retreat or prayer group or church activity we have learned to say “I Love the Lord”. This we say not because we really mean it but because of habit. If the same people who say I Love the Lord will be allowed suffering or pain immediately they start asking God Questions.

When we love the Lord then surely our love towards Him will not be only words but truth in action. When we love the Lord then surely we love everything He says. But the truth is in my prayer life past 10 years I couldn’t find a single catholic who has read Bible from Genesis to revelation once.

Our Catholic brothers and sisters are interested in taking shortcuts that’s why most of them read only New Testament or mass readings. By doing this our knowledge about God will be limited and because of this we struggle the most when we are going through crisis.

If we do not know God’s Word then it will not be easy to love God when adverse situations strikes in our life. Without knowing God’s Word it is not possible to obey His commandments.

God is not interested in people who shout Praise you Lord, Thank you Lord and Love you Lord when miracle happens in their life and after that they will become busy in their worldly affairs but God is interested in those who obey His commandments which will display our love towards God automatically.

Date: --19:06:2020.

Thursday, June 18, 2020


God created the world to show forth and communicate his glory. That his creatures should share in his truth, goodness and beauty - this is the glory for which God created them. Catechism of the Catholic Church 319.

God with all His wisdom and power created the world and all the living being and in the last He created human beings so that we may Know Him and also communicate with Him on daily basis.

Truth is most of us are so busy in this world that we do not have 1 hour to pray every day. If we do not pray at least 1 hour then it shows how undisciplined we are. God has given us 24 hours in a day which will be divided into 3 parts 8 hours to work, 8 hours to sleep and in balance 8 hours we have to manage time for God, time for relaxing, time for people so that our life will be disciplined. More we are disciplined more we will grow in life or else we may fall trap to failures.

People are ready to sacrifice their 8 hours sleep and work more to earn more but they do not have time to pray because they think there is no benefit in it but the truth is benefits which are in prayer is not there in the job we do because prayer can save our soul on the judgement day but even we worked in the biggest job still it cannot save us.

God wants to share His goodness, His truth, His mercy, His forgiveness and His beauty to us so that we may share with others. Today we see neither of the above around us only because we are lacking in our prayer life.

We have to understand that without having fellowship with our creator daily we cannot imagine experiencing His goodness, truth, mercy, forgiveness and beauty in our life. Without receiving from God we cannot share anything with others that is why always receiving comes first and then giving.

God also before giving us everything He will test us to see whether we are really desiring it or we are just pursuing it because of influence of others who posses it.

Let us have desire to possess in our life everything God has planned for us because we are His children and He will freely give us when ask with truthfulness.

Date: -- 18:06:2020.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020


He who climbs never stops going from beginning to beginning, through beginnings that have no end. He never stops desiring what he already knows. –Saint Gregory of Nissa

We are all living in this corrupt world which is full of deceit and lies of the devil. Most of us choose to live our life with lies and deceit that is why we have time for everything except prayer and also because our top most priority is not God.

Some of us after living in this corrupt world want to pursue the life of faith and we all start from the basic faith and climb slowly to mature faith in few years.

The real danger in our life of faith is not when we are starting basic faith but when we reach mature in faith.

Most of us when we reach maturity in faith we think that we know everything and because of this we will not be open to learn new things from God.

We have to understand that to learn about God and His mysterious ways even if we involve ourselves daily for our entire life still we may not know about God 100% but we may know about Him 75% to 80%.

God and His ways are not easy to understand as we think. As we move forward everyday carrying our crosses and fighting our battles it will become difficult to understand because God is teaching us something new which we did not know.

No matter how much we know about God and His Word still we have to be humble and learn more. More we have desire to learn about God and His Word, He is ready to teach us new ways which we did not know and God does not force anyone to learn about Him as the people do because He is the only one who respects our freewill.

Because of the freewill given to us God will wait patiently till we ask Him to teach us. Truth is most of us are ready to fall into oppression by the devil , fall into depression and also end our life by committing suicide but we do not bother to ask with God about the situation which is happening in our life which we do not understand.

Date: --17:06: 2020.