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Friday, July 31, 2020



Word of God clearly says in Ephesians 5:20: giving thanks to god the father at all times and for everything in the name of our lord Jesus Christ.


In today’s world people who receive miracles from God everyday are millions and we can see out of that only thousands come forward to give thanks to God for His miracles, others walk away as nothing has happened in their life.

We all have to understand if we have 2 hands, 2 legs, 2 eyes, 2 ears and nose that is more than enough to thank the Lord daily. We instead of thanking God for creating us perfectly we complain and grumble over small things. When we see around us people who do not have hands or legs or blind or deaf or mute, we will understand the value of our body parts blessed by God to us.


Living a life of thanksgiving to God daily is the best life we can live on earth. Giving thanks to God for all He has given and also for all He has withheld will make us experience great things in our life which is far beyond our imagination.


Many of us thank God after we receive miracles and only handpicked few are thanking God in advance for all the miracles they are going to see. It is better for us to thank God before miracle happens because it displays our total trust and confidence in Him.


We have to know that we do not require a reason to thank God because every moment we are alive it is because of mercy of God and we can thank God for keeping us alive when thousands around us are dying.


Thanking God will surely give us great confidence in God in desperate situations. We can overcome helpless situations by thanking God. We thank our family and friends for doing good in our life in the same way how much more we have to thank God for doing great things in our life especially for saving our soul from eternal fire of  hell.


Date: 31-07-2020.

Thursday, July 30, 2020



“Wherever you go, there you are.”
 The Imitation of Christ, By Thomas A Kempis.


We are in the midst of crisis where there are restrictions in churches and other religious activities. That’s why most of us think that they miss Going to church and also think that they miss God. But the real truth is God dwells in us.


Wherever we go God also walks with us but we because of being busy in other things we fail to notice it. God is always mindful of us and that’s why He wants to be with us wherever we go so that He can reach us to our final destination that is heaven.


Most of the times it is we who make wrong decision to walk away from God so that we can indulge ourselves in pleasure of flesh and desires of the world. More we go far from God more we will be filled with darkness and because of this our mind will be dull and we cannot understand most the things devil is implementing in our life.


Only when we are close to God we will be full of light and when we are full of light, devil will be scared of us and cannot come close to us but he has no other option than to flee from us. God is with us all the time as per His promise but most of the time it is we who are not with God that’s why we feel that God is not with us but the truth is God was with us when we were in sin and also God was with us when we experienced conversion of our soul.


We may think that we can do works of darkness hiding from God but we cannot hide anything from God because His eyes are 10,000 times brighter than the sun and He can search every small detail of our life which we also do not know. We have to understand that wherever we go, God will also walk with us and never allow us to walk alone.


Date: 30:07: 2020.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Word of God clearly says in Proverbs 3:5-6 : Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.

We are all in prayers because we believe in God. People who believe in God belong to basic faith and that’s why they will believe in God till they want to believe and if something unpleasant things happen around them immediately they are worried, stressed, oppressed and depressed.

We have to understand the meaning of believe. Believing means accepting something without proof that we think God will do. If whatever we accept doesn’t happen as we have thought then we reject the same thing and demand proof from God.

We also have to understand the meaning of trust. Trust means firm belief in something God has said He will do and we will not get worried or stressed or oppressed or depressed even if God answers it after years and also we will not demand any proof from Him.

Trust is much higher than believe because when we trust in God we wait for Him patiently no matter how long He takes. We have to trust in the Lord with all our heart and without having fellowship with His Word daily it is next to impossible to trust in God. When we trust in God with all our heart we will not do anything according to human ways but only according to the Word of God.

When we trust in God we have to acknowledge Him in every situation small and big. God will make our ways straight and will not allow us to tread in the wrong ways according to the world and the flesh.

Date: 29-07-2020.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


"God is Love" and love is his first gift, containing all others. "God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us."---Catechism of the Catholic Church 733.

God is love and without knowing about love we cannot know God. Most of us think we love each other by wishing good morning, good afternoon and good night but is not love but affection.

There is huge difference between love and affection. Affection can change according to people’s behaviour but love doesn’t change. When people are good to us we wish them whenever we pass by and when the same people treat us badly we ignore them and walk away. This is affection. When we love others love doesn’t change as per their behaviour and it will remain the same.

In today’s world people have mistook affection for love that’s why most of the people do not bear each other. The moment they are hurt they want to give back thinking that will improve the situation but in return it will make the situation worst.

God loves us as we are and never forces us to change and we also have to follow the same and try to change ourselves first and allow others to change as God leads them then surely we can avoid conflicts every day.

Love is gift from God which is poured into us through His Holy Spirit. Without love of God in our life we will be empty and when we are empty we will sound more.

To check whether we are having Love of God we have to see whether we possess the characteristics.
1.             Love is patient
2.             Love is Kind
3.             Love is not envious
4.             Love is not boastful
5.             Love is not arrogant
6.             Love is not rude
7.             Love does not insist on its own way.
8.             Love is not irritable
9.             Love is not resentful
10.       Love does not rejoice in wrongdoing
11.       Love rejoices in truth
12.       Love bears all things
13.       Love believes all things
14.       Love hope in all things
15.       Love endures all things

We have to analyze our life and see how many characteristics we possess if we don’t then we do not have love and if we do not have love then surely we do not know the Lord.

Date: -- 28:07: 2020.

Monday, July 27, 2020


All blessings come to us through our Lord. He will teach us, for in beholding his life we find that he is the best example.” -- Saint Teresa of Avila

Every blessings in our life flows from the mighty hand of God and there is nothing good in our life we possess because of our works. For many of us to reach to that great blessing of God there is uphill task because devil and his companions will block us on the way, if we are not strong in the Word of God instead of walking forward with courage we step backwards with fear.

To receive blessings of God we have to be like empty vessels ready to be filled with His Love and Grace. Once we are having blessing of God in our life if we become selfless it will multiply and overflow like a great river which we cannot control.

God initially takes us in the difficult path to test us whether we are going to be faithful to Him and His Word. Once God knows that we are faithful to His Word then He blesses us abundantly and the biggest danger lies after we are blessed because most of us quit prayer because of the blessing and very few live a simple life and share the blessings with others.

God is the best example we have, after having control over the whole world He chooses His only son to be born in a poor family in a manger. God after being so powerful He allowed His only son to suffer on the cross and die for our sin, if He wanted He could have destroyed the entire humankind in a moment. God after being so powerful He touches us gently instead of showing His real power which can take us from one country and place us into another country in a second.

As God displays us His example, we have to lead His way no matter how rich we become. Let us follow the example of God and live in this world so that blessings we have received from God will only multiply and never decrease.

Date: --27:07: 2020.

Sunday, July 26, 2020


Word of God clearly says in Psalm 84:11 - For the Lord God is a sun and shield; he bestows favour and honour. No good thing does the Lord withhold from those who walk uprightly.

When we decide to walk with the Lord by obeying His Word, God will surely bestow on us favour and Honour.


When we read the Word of God, meditate on it and obey it in midst of difficult situations we will be favoured by God and He will pour in our life things we have not expected and also things that we do not deserve. We should have wrong understanding that we have come to favour because of our works, truth is we are qualified to receive favour from God through His Grace. We have read in the Word of God the people who enjoyed favour of God in their life, to name a few Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses , David, Solomon and so on and in the New testament  Mother Mary, Zechariah, John the Baptist, all the apostles , Paul, Barnabas and so on. The same favour of God is working in many people’s lives today also.


When we lived in this world we all were not counted by others as best , that’s why we had to go through persecution, trials, shame and rejection from others around us including our loved ones. When God intervenes in our life and if we co-operate with Him then surely God will work great things in us and make us best of best so that we are honoured and celebrated by people. God replaces persecution with happiness, trials with rewards, shame with Glory and rejection with acceptance.

Every great things happening in our life is work of God and He doesn’t hide any good things from us but provides us at the right time if we trust in Him and wait for Him. Without God our life will be filled with emptiness and because of this emptiness we will fall into different kinds of addictions and evil inclinations. When God is with us all the time we will be walking in the light, moment we divert our direction then we will be walking with the devil in the darkness.

Date: 26-07-2020.

Saturday, July 25, 2020


“Nothing is sweeter than love, nothing stronger or higher or wider, nothing is more pleasant, nothing fuller, and nothing better in heaven or on earth, for love is born of God and cannot rest except in God, Who is created above all things.”
The Imitation of Christ, By Thomas A Kempis.

Life of Love is the best life we can live in this world. Love comes from God to us and once we receive love from God we cannot keep it for ourselves but have to share with others.

Truth is in today’s generation people experience the love of God but they fail to share with others.

When we are filled with the love of God we will be different person and God’s love will make us do things we have not imagined or thought of and also He will connect us to greater things in life.

When we are filled with God’s love our life will be increasing in Grace and decreasing in sin. God’s Love will uproot every bad habit from us, God’s love will keep us safe from all addictions, God’s love make our life powerful.

God’s Love is unconditional, sacrificial and forgiving, when we are filled with God’s Love we will also be able to love others unconditionally and also sacrifice our time to pray for them and also forgive them when they hurt us.

There is nothing greater than God’s love It teaches us to love and accept others as they are. It teaches us to be kind to the unkind, it teaches us to pray for our persecutors, it teaches us to be faithful to God in every situation, it  teaches us to be gentle with others, it teachers us to be patient with sinners. It teaches us to love our enemies.

When we have Love of God on this earth then we will surely live according to His Word and also when we die go back to Him to live eternally.

Date: 25:07: 2020.

Friday, July 24, 2020


Word of God clearly says in 1 John 4:18; There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; for fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not reached perfection in love.

We will not have any fear when we are perfected in God’s Love. If we are in fear of different kinds in our life it is because we are going through punishment.

We are all in the midst of global crisis from past 4 months and these 4 months clearly set aside people with fear and also people without fear. People with fear are getting restless and people without fear living joyfully as if nothing has happened.

God’s Love is pure and perfect and when we have perfected God’s love it will remove every fear from inside of us. When we are perfected in God’s love we cannot live for ourselves but we will live to build the Kingdom of God on this earth.

Biggest problem we have to be perfected in God’s Love is selfishness. When we are having selfishness God cannot perfect us in His love. We have to grow from selfishness to selflessness. Once this happens then surely God’s work of perfecting us will come to completion. After that no matter what situation comes in our life we will fight it courageously because of perfected love of God.

We cannot fight any battle and be victorious without becoming courageous that is the main reason God has said many times in His word “Do not fear” because when we fear we will lose the battle before it begins.

God will take us in the journey of storms to make us perfect in His love, if we co-operate with Him, we will be perfected in His love and live victorious life or else we will have to live with fear for rest of our life.

Date: 24-07-2020.

Thursday, July 23, 2020


In the unity of this Body, there is a diversity of members and functions. All members are linked to one another, especially to those who are suffering, to the poor and persecuted ---Catechism of the Catholic Church 806.

In today’s church we do not see unity because of leaders. If we ask people whom they belong they will say I belong this church, this prayer group and very few people say I belong to Jesus.

Today disunity between leaders is creating a opportunity to start their own groups and call church. Church is not the work of man but it is the work of Holy Spirit. We have to understand that Holy Spirit is the top boss of the church and we have to listen to Him always.

We all as humans have different parts of our body knit together to make it look single. If our eyes say I want to stop functioning then surely we will become blind, in the same way if other parts of our body stop functioning we cannot move forward. If one part of our body is in pain the whole body is affected in the same way one member of the church is suffering or persecuted or poor  is in pain the whole church will be affected if we live in unity and we will do the best to help that person to lighten his sufferings.

In today’s church we do not find people helping others who are going through sufferings, persecuted and the poor instead they make fun of them and also gossip about them to make their suffering worst instead of making better.

We have to understand that people who suffer, persecuted and poor are masterpiece of God. Whenever we find one of these people we have to try our level best to help them with whatever we can or else any moment life can take a u turn and we may land up in one of this category and cry. God is giving us opportunity to identify them and help them, only when we are alert we will be able to help them.

In today’s church people who are having fellowship with rich people more than these who are having fellowship with the people who are suffering, persecuted and the poor. Most of us consider them as our last priority.

Let us live with unity so that Holy Spirit will work powerfully in our life and also in the life of people who are suffering, persecuted and poor through us.

Date: -- 23:07:2020.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Faith does not quench desire, but inflames it. – Saint Thomas Aquinas.

We all are in different levels of faith and it will be easy for us as beginners but as we move forward great challenges will be waiting for us and if we are not ready to face the challenges then surely we will find the easy way out that is to quit prayers.

We have to understand that once we grow in the basic level of faith then the faith will not die but it will grow.

We see in today’s world we hear many people say I had faith before and because of some situation I lost my faith. This is the biggest lie because Gods word is living and if we have fellowship with His word daily surely it will grow.

We have all born as infants and come into this world and are living today grown into different ages. Because we are living we are growing every year and no one can say that I have again become infant because I lost my years.

We have to know that nothing can be lost which was not there with us. We did not have faith that is why we do not have. Instead of saying I lost my faith we have to agree that we did not have faith so that we can commit ourselves to the Word of God and grow mature in faith.

      We can receive faith by listening to the Word of God but the truth is most of us listen to the words of the world more than Word of God that is why we will be living with fear rather than living in courage.

Many people who were claiming to have faith before the crisis began are now depressed. This clearly shows that they were acting to show others that they have faith but in reality they were not having faith in God’s Word. Once a person puts His faith in God’s Word no matter what happens around that person, he will not fall into fear but act courageously.

Faith always ignites so that the fire of faith can never go out but will increase everyday till we will be on fire for God. Most of the people experience miracles through others prayers and think that is faith and when miracles has to happen through their faith they struggle for years. To have faith in God’s word is not easy as we think but it will require from us discipline, commitment and patience.
Date: --22:07: 2020.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020


Word of God clearly says in 2 Samuel 7:22 - Therefore you are great, O Lord God; for there is no one like you, and there is no God besides you, according to all that we have heard with our ears.

We all know Jesus from few days or months or years but the real truth we have to ask ourselves that whether we know His Word. If we do not know His word even after going to church for many years we will not know Jesus personally but definitely we know Jesus through His anointed ones.

Most of our catholic brothers and sisters are very lazy to pray at home and this is the main reason most of our catholic run to God’s chosen ones to ask for prayers. It is not bad to ask for prayers but when we cultivate this habit for long then we will be living with our own problems and never care for others problem all our life.

God has great characteristics and some of His important characteristics are 1. Love 2. Righteousness 3. Mercy 4.Goodness and so on. If we claim we know Jesus then we should posses His characteristics in our life or else we will be deceiving ourselves and living with lies forever.

No matter in what we put our faith other than God all will fail after sometime. We have to understand that if our top most priority is not God then we may have success for a limited period of time and after that waits for us series of problems where we will have no other option than to put our complete trust in God.

When we put our complete trust in God, He will never fail us or abandon us but will show His power and uplift us from the problems we are in. When God uplifts us from impossible situations we will come to know God’s worth in our life. God is always great and we cannot compare anything to Him. He is the greatest of all and He is Supreme and no power can match Him.

We have to understand the difference between the power of God and power of evil. God has power of His own and we can do nothing to decrease it or to increase it but devil doesn’t have power of his own but extracts power from us by deceiving us and making us live in darkness. We can destroy the power we have given to devil when we come to God.

That is why God is supreme and there is none like Him. He speaks the truth to our heart which may make us angry at first but it will surely bring change in us on the other hand devil will tell lies which will make us happy so that we will follow him and get destroyed completely if we do not turn back to God soon.

Date: 21-07-2020.

Monday, July 20, 2020


“God often grants in a moment what He has long denied.” ― The Imitation of Christ, By Thomas A Kempis.

We are all praying for one or the other thing from the Lord. Sometimes God provides answers to our prayers within days and sometimes within weeks and sometime months and sometimes years.

When our prayers are answered in days, weeks and months it will be easy to move further but when our prayers are answered in years most of get impatient. We have to understand that God is not slow in answering our prayers but we are slow in our actions.

God wants to do good to everyone but it is we who block God from blessing us because of one of the 3 reasons or all 3 reasons.


Most of us struggle with unforgiveness and because of this no matter how many times we go for confession our sins will not be forgiven. We have to forgive others for what they done to us and also we have to ask forgiveness with others for what we have done for them then only forgiveness can be complete in our life.


Most of us enjoy committing sin everyday of our life and after doing it we expect great things to happen in our life. When we commit sin we create a barrier between God and us that is why God delays answer to our prayers to uproot sin from our life and save our soul first.


When we disobey God’s 10 commandments we automatically get curse in our life and also when we speak evil or gossip about others also we indirectly curse others and so that curse will come back to us.

If we have one or all the three reasons in our life our answers to our prayers will delayed that’s why we should not lose hope instead get ourselves encouraged with  the Word of God so that God will give us what we have longed for years in a moment.

Date: 20:07: 2020.

Sunday, July 19, 2020


Word of God clearly says in Isaiah 41: 10 - do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand. 

In today’s world most of the people are in fear because of crisis becoming worse day by day. Most of them do not even understand what to do next. Most of them are even scared to stand next to person who is having common cold and fever thinking about the virus. We are scared because we do not know the Word of God and its power.
When we are in fear instead of sitting there for long we have to switch our focus towards the Word of God otherwise fear will enter our mind and heart and then that fear can turn into panic attack or depression.

God is saying through His Word to us not to fear any situation because He is with us all the time. We cannot believe that God is with us unless we know His Word. God will always provide us courage in times of fear through His Word. If we do not know His Word we will not know Him.

Courage comes from God in the same way fear comes from the devil. If we are in fear then we have to understand that God’s love is not perfected in us and also we are going through punishments for our sins.

God is promising us through His Word that He will strengthen us when we are weak and He will help us when we do not understand things going on in our life and also God is promising us that He will lift us in His victorious right hand.

When we treasure great promises of God in our heart then no matter how much bad is the situation around us we will be at peace.

God is the only source we have in our urgent needs and He will respond to our cry 24 hours a day and all the days of the year. God is the only one who can give us clear guidance in times of uncertainty that’s why we have to depend on Him more so that we may receive all that He has promised.

Date: 19-07-2020.

Saturday, July 18, 2020


Our salvation flows from God's initiative of love for us, because "he loved us and sent his Son to be the expiation for our sins" "God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself" ---Catechism of the Catholic Church 620.

God loved the whole world He made and He wanted the entire world to be reconciled to Himself that’s why He sent Prophets after prophets to make people understand about God’s Commandment. People did not listen to the prophets sent by God and started killing them because they could not digest the truth.

After the plans of God did not fulfil through the prophets He sent, He had no other option than to implement His master plan.

To implement His master plan He wanted someone from heaven to go down and Jesus accepted God’s master plan and came down to earth in a human form.

Jesus had to go through lots of persecution from the Jews and He went through all sufferings without complaining and grumbling because He knew completely about what He was sent to do in the world.

Jesus also went through lots of pain and sufferings on the cross only because He loved us and also He wanted to reconcile the entire humankind to God the father.

We have to understand the meaning of salvation. Salvation means “To Save”. To save means to save our souls from sin and punishment. Jesus sacrificed His life on the cross to save us from eternal condemnation.

In today’s world people who value Jesus sacrifice on the cross are very few in numbers that is why devil has upper hand in many people’s life. They dance to tune of the devil till the end of life without understanding dreadful judgement waiting for them after their death.

God wants to save all but the truth is are we saying yes to God and co- operate with Him or we say no and partner with deceiving devil and follow his ways.

Choice is ours as God has given freewill to everyone that’s why we cannot force anyone to accept Jesus but it has to come from their heart. Our choice today will determine our destination tomorrow so let us be careful to choose wisely before it’s too late.

Date: -- 18: 07: 2020.